Attempting to use thirtyfour with Device Farm, I hit the following issue trying to create a session in WebDriver::new(),
webdriver server gave non-conformant response:
Object {"Output": Object {"__type": String("")}, "Version": String("1.0")}
In order to debug this, I hacked thirtyfour to log the URLs it is accessing, and noticed an inconsistency:
The value produced by the aws-sdk-devicefarmcreate_test_grid_url() method looks like https://$hostname/$token/wd/hub
The URLs that thirtyfour contructs given this URL end up looking like https://$hostname/$token/wd/session
I altered my code to append a trailing / to the Device-Farm-issued URL before calling WebDriver::new() and that got things working, with thirtyfour now constructing URLs like https://$hostname/$token/wd/hub/session:
let url = format!("{}/", url);
(Noting #215 - I don't expect this ticket to get attention any time soon, but maybe the info will be helpful for others.)
Attempting to use thirtyfour with Device Farm, I hit the following issue trying to create a session in
,In order to debug this, I hacked thirtyfour to log the URLs it is accessing, and noticed an inconsistency:
method looks likehttps://$hostname/$token/wd/hub
I altered my code to append a trailing
to the Device-Farm-issued URL before callingWebDriver::new()
and that got things working, with thirtyfour now constructing URLs likehttps://$hostname/$token/wd/hub/session
:(Noting #215 - I don't expect this ticket to get attention any time soon, but maybe the info will be helpful for others.)