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Server Explorer custom context menu item #498

Closed ErikEJ closed 2 months ago

ErikEJ commented 2 months ago

I am trying to get the ADO Connection object from an item selected in Server Explorer.

I found this old thing - but is there a better way with Vsix Toolkit?


(I am fine with just getting the name of the selected node)

ErikEJ commented 2 months ago

I ended up with this relativly unbrittle implementation:

            var Dte2 = GetService(typeof(EnvDTE.DTE)) as EnvDTE80.DTE2;
            var uih = Dte2.ToolWindows.GetToolWindow(EnvDTE.Constants.vsWindowKindServerExplorer) as EnvDTE.UIHierarchy;
            var selectedItems = (Array)uih.SelectedItems;

            if (selectedItems != null)
                var connectionName = ((EnvDTE.UIHierarchyItem)selectedItems.GetValue(0)).Name;

                var dataConnectionsService = await VS.GetServiceAsync<IVsDataExplorerConnectionManager, IVsDataExplorerConnectionManager>();
                if (dataConnectionsService.Connections.TryGetValue(connectionName, out IVsDataExplorerConnection explorerConnection))
                    var connection = explorerConnection.Connection;

                    if (VsDataHelper.SupportedProviders.Contains(connection.Provider))
                        menuCommand.Visible = true;