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HUGE lag opening production table #19

Open WindFreaker opened 9 years ago

WindFreaker commented 9 years ago

I haven't tried the mod by itself, but every mod pack I've played seems to have this problem. No matter what situation I'm in, it takes about 30 seconds to open the GUI. The game freezes and i just have to wait. Its such an amazing mod, but I might just have to use regular crafting tables if this can't be fixed. Also placing the table has some lag too.

Does the issue have an easy fix (and that's why nobody else is reporting it), or is it just a bug only I'm having?

gazpachoking commented 9 years ago

I had this problem in Bevo's tech pack, and have it even worse in Wanderlust Reloaded. Takes about a minute for me to open the production table.

timidx3 commented 9 years ago

I started playing Wanderlust Reloaded today, and I'm having the same issue. I right click the Production Table, and it feels as if my game freezes, and takes about 20 seconds to open. Tried inserting a crafting table and a furnace and reopening, issue still occured. When exiting the table, there is no delay.

EDIT: 2 hours later, after watching some random videos, I went back into my game, tried the table again, and to no surprise, the issue remained. I then broke the table and went to throw it into a chest. As I shift clicked it, it threw the item onto the ground. I picked it up, and tried to click it, to bring it to the chest manually, and it dropped it again. I closed everything, relaunched the game, threw it into my chest and thought to myself... "Maybe I'll try it again, one last time..?" I placed the table one more time, and to my surprise, I no longer had the delay when opening up the table.

fogger commented 9 years ago

I am also experiencing this freeze when interacting with the table.

A restart usually fixes it, for a short while...

earlofurl commented 9 years ago

I'm having this same problem, in both Resonant Rise 3 and Wanderlust Reloaded. Game seems to freeze for 5-10 seconds every time I open the production table.