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vhp list nofixes and novccs #559

Open andymeneely opened 4 years ago

andymeneely commented 4 years ago

This command should list all CVEs that don't have any fix commits listed. Parse and check the yaml for this.

Similar for VCC commits.

andymeneely commented 1 year ago

For this round, I made my own little one-liner in irb.

Dir.glob("cves/kernel/*.yml").select {|f| YAML.load(["vccs"].any? }.map {|cve| cve[/CVE\-\d+\-\d+/] }.join(" ")

Having the ability to query stuff like this saved me some time. The actual tool would do something similar.

By the way, this is similar in nature to #978, but just aids in the scripts for class. With that one-liner, I'm downgrading the urgency of this.