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Visualization Planning: Tag Trends #952

Open andymeneely opened 2 years ago

andymeneely commented 2 years ago

Seeing correlations between tags would be a really nice way to find trends. For example, knowing that vulnerabilities tagged with "bounty" are also likely to be "escaped test", or that "too many cooks" correlates with "i18n". Here are some ideas on how to visualize and explore this:


Here's a basic one.

I like the idea of a matrix of tags where you can see where certain tags go with each other. I've put together a basic visual of this:


Of course it looks terrible but the idea is that you can explore thing in a matrix and visit a particular set of vulnerabilities

Sankey, Parallel Sets, and Alluvial Diagrams

Another option is to build a Sankey diagram where the tag types flow in a single column and you have curved arcs going from one tag to the next when there are vulneraiblities with both of those tags.


This could get quite busy depending on which tags we choose to use.

@diego-avila-358 let's keep our ideas for this visual on this comment.

diego-avila-358 commented 1 year ago


diego-avila-358 commented 1 year ago


This is how it should look when multiple blocks of families are selected. The path must be highlighted and the blocks selected as well