Vungle / Windows-SDK

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WPF support either as a future addition or via XAML Island? #27

Closed mentorfloat closed 3 years ago

mentorfloat commented 3 years ago

Vungle only targets UWP right now, but there is a vast number of apps that are still in WPF due to how robust the platform is.

Is there a way to integrate Vungle SDK into a WPF app?

There is a method to create custom UWP controls via XAML Island in WPF. Is that an option that was explored? If so, do you have examples?

mentorfloat commented 3 years ago

For more context, trying to host MainPage.xaml from the CS_sample via XAML Island in a WPF app will not get past SDK initialisation.

The VungleAdControl blank containers will load but clicking the button to obtain Vungle SDK instance will throw the following exception:

The type initializer for 'VungleSDK.shared.CrossCuttingConcerns.PersistentSettings' threw an exception.
at VungleSDK.shared.CrossCuttingConcerns.PersistentSettings.SetString(String propertyName, String value)
at VungleSDK.shared.CrossCuttingConcerns.PersistentSettingsBase.GetSdkVersion(String sdkVersion, String ns, String currentVersion)
at VungleSDK.StandardEnvironment.get_NeedCleanup()
at VungleSDK.AdFactory.GetInstance(String appID, VungleSDKConfig config)

With this inner exception:

The process has no package identity. (0x80073D54)
at Windows.Storage.ApplicationData.get_Current()
at VungleSDK.shared.CrossCuttingConcerns.PersistentSettings..cctor()
gregthatcher commented 3 years ago

Hi mentorFloat,

Yes, this is something we are currently trying to implement (Vungle for WPF). We are trying to make a new SDK specifically targeted for WPF. We have already solved the "package identity" problem you mentioned above, but still have a number of things to work out (LocalSettings, File access, WebView, etc.).

Please let us know if you would be interested in being a beta tester. If yes, please email us at support (at) and also greg.thatcher (at)

Thanks much, Greg Thatcher

mentorfloat commented 3 years ago

Hi Greg, thanks for the notice. We can continue our conversation on email and close this Github issue.