Vungle / Windows-SDK

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Numerous Json Exceptions #28

Open tjmullen2 opened 3 years ago

tjmullen2 commented 3 years ago

Using the most recent version and following the instructions in the SDK, I am experiencing several json exceptions like the following:

It appears as though an API is returning a different result and the most recent SDK.


Is there a solution to fixing this?

DavidKimVungle commented 3 years ago

@tjmullen2 While I would need more detail to determine the root cause of the issue that you are experiencing, I feel like the ArgumentException that you have shared is actually a handled exception that will not cause any issue on SDK operation. What happens if you do not break when this exception is thrown from Vungle SDK? Do you see any abnormal behavior?

Are you seeing any Vungle ad at all if you are able to continue even when this exception is thrown? Your screenshot is showing sleepCode and this is triggered when our ad server does not find a suitable ad for the ad request that was made.

To further diagnose the problem, will you be able to share your app and placement ID that you are using as well as any other detail of you integration such as Windows SDK version? Also it will be very helpful if you can share debug or proxy log that you may have on your end.

behroozbc commented 3 years ago

hi i get same error

  Message=JSON value not found. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x83750009)
  Message=JSON value not found. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x83750009)
Parameter name: cta_overlay
   at VungleSDK.shared.CrossCuttingConcerns.JsonUtils.GetNamedValue[T](JsonObject obj, String valueName)

Inner Exception 1:
Exception: JSON value not found. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x83750009)

after continue i get this banner image but open windows store app! is okay?

DavidKimVungle commented 3 years ago

@behroozbc It seems to be an different error than what @tjmullen2 has experience as the Parameter name of the exception is showing _ctaoverlay compared sleepCode.

It looks like you are getting one of the test creative by looking at the screenshot and click action opening up Windows Store app would another supporting fact that it is not a production ad. It could be that payload of the test banner has a value missing for the key _ctaoverlay. I could track down the test creative to address the issue but let me double check your dashboard configuration first. Would you be able to provide the app and placement ID that you are using?

behroozbc commented 3 years ago

hi @DavidKimVungle
i get this error now

  Message=JSON value not found. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x83750009)
Parameter name: sleepCode
   at VungleSDK.shared.CrossCuttingConcerns.JsonUtils.GetNamedValue[T](JsonObject obj, String valueName)

Inner Exception 1:
Exception: JSON value not found. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x83750009)

can show placementId in public ? or send to your email ?

DavidKimVungle commented 3 years ago

@behroozbc Now it seems like you are at the same place as @tjmullen2 reported. It looks like value for sleepCode is missing. Without knowing additional detail, I still believe this is a handled exception that should not affect proper SDK operation. Can you check if you have turned on any additional breaks when some exceptions are thrown, possibly under Common Language Runtime Exceptions?

I would suggest contacting for the next step on why you are not seeing a banner. Please make sure you provide the SDK version, app ID, placement ID, any Fiddler log that you may have and also reference this page so I can work with the person who take your case.

fifewas commented 2 years ago

hi, i can confirm that Vungle Sdk cause many Crashes after i use it on my app Failure log : invalid_pointer_read_c0000005_windows.web.dll!jsonparser::stringifyobject null_class_ptr_read_c0000005_windows.web.dll!jsonparser::stringifyobject those Crashes affect the app rank on windows store (

DavidKimVungle commented 2 years ago

@fifewas I believe these crashes that you have brought up was addressed with Windows SDK 6.10.1. Can you share which version you are using and if not 6.10.1 try to update the SDK?

fifewas commented 2 years ago

@DavidKimVungle Yes its Windows SDK 6.10.1 Released:08/16/2021 mentioned here since this is the latest version i want to ask when the next version will be released ? or do i need to downgrade the version ?

gregthatcher commented 2 years ago

@fifewas, can you please send us your Vungle app ID (please email directly to me, greg.thatcher "at" Also, have you been able to reproduce this crash on your own machine? If so, please reproduce the crash, and send us a zipped file of C:\Users\<your user name>\AppData\Local\Packages\\LocalState

Thanks very much, Greg

On Sun, Oct 31, 2021 at 8:44 AM fifewas @.***> wrote:

@DavidKimVungle Yes its Windows SDK 6.10.1 Released:08/16/2021 mentioned here . since this is the latest version i want to ask when the next version will be released ? or do i need to downgrade the version ?

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[image: vshapesaqua11553186012.gif] Greg Thatcher Staff Engineer I, Mobile Windows 4152180328

[image: in1552694272.png] [image: fb1552694203.png] [image: tw1552694330.png] [image: ig1552694392.png] 1255 Battery St. Ste 500. San Francisco, CA 94111

fifewas commented 2 years ago

@gregthatcher hi ,email sent to "" but the crash not happen on my machine the crash only detected on . Failure log : invalid_pointer_read_c0000005_windows.web.dll!jsonparser::stringifyobject null_class_ptr_read_c0000005_windows.web.dll!jsonparser::stringifyobject

gregthatcher commented 2 years ago

@fifewas , did you previously use an older version of Vungle in your app? Was 6.10.1 the first version you used, or did you use other versions? If so, please let us know the history of the versions you have used.

fifewas commented 2 years ago

@gregthatcher im sure the only used version in my apps is 6.10.1 also this app exist on my last uploaded package verion that also contains those bugs : null_class_ptr_read_c0000005_windows.web.dll!jsonparser::stringifyobject (hits 95 - Last 30 days -package - Vungle version 6.10.1 )

Device configuration (30D) : Unknown Unknown 4 Intel Pentium 10 Intel Core i5 36 Intel Core i3 24 Intel Core 2 2 Intel Celeron 10 AMD Unknown 2 AMD Athlon 2 AMD AMD Ryzen™ Processors 2 AMD AMD FX-Series Processors 1

+those bugs also exist on my other pp that use version 6.10.1 appId 6144f9aef6e39ad4a7ce561b (different source code)

hope this info help you

gregthatcher commented 2 years ago

I'm sorry @fifewas , but I'm not understanding what you're saying. Can you please let me know the history of the versions you have used. For example, which was the first Vungle version and when, which was the second vungle version and when did you use it, etc.

fifewas commented 2 years ago

@gregthatcher there is no other version just 6.10.1 (i use only 6.10.1 ) my apps are just published few months ago . so the bugs exist on (6.10.1) 100%

gregthatcher commented 2 years ago

Thanks @fifewas . Can you give me more information on the Exception trace you are sending us. Can you tell us how you are getting this log? Also, is this log showing an Exception only, or are you seeing an Exception and a crash? If this is a crash, please let us know how you know this is a crash.

fifewas commented 2 years ago

@gregthatcher my apps are UWP apps published on Microsoft Appstore so all information from "Microsoft Partner Center" =>analytics=>reports=>Health. those exceptions described as crash. please see the screenshot.


gregthatcher commented 2 years ago

@fifewas , are you using "App Center" in your app, or the older "HockeyApp"?

fifewas commented 2 years ago

App Center

gregthatcher commented 2 years ago

@fifewas , I've tried to setup one of our apps the same as you (using both AppCenter and Partner) center. I'm going to setup two more apps this week. Hopefully, I'll see a similar crash, and then let you know.

In the meantime, can you tell me if you have ever used a different version of the SDK (different than 6.10.1).

gregthatcher commented 2 years ago

@fifewas , I believe I may have found your issue. I would like to send you a test build of our SDK so that you can try it out. I'm going to try to get you this build a week from Friday (12/17). Does that work for you?

fifewas commented 2 years ago

@gregthatcher ,sorry there is important info i need to say: im using the Unity Plugin Sdk , im not sure if the Windows Sdk and Unity Plugin are the same or not but they have same version " v6.10.1".

in addition if yo have new build and want me test it , the build must be in "unity plugin" format . thank you very much

gregthatcher commented 2 years ago

thanks @fifewas , knowing that you are using Unity is super helpful. Since Unity uses IL2CPP, it creates issues very similar to the one you are describing. I have created a new special build of the Windows SDK which I would like you to use in your build. Please do the following: 1.) Download the new test SDK from 2.) Unzip this file, and find the VungleSDK.winmd file inside the Win10 directory. 3.) Copy this file into your project under /Vungle/Plugins/metro/VungleSDK.winmd Make sure to replace the old file. 4.) Rebuild your project, and see if this fixes the problem.

If you can confirm that this fixes your problem, I will try to get you a new "release" build.

fifewas commented 2 years ago

@gregthatcher hi,

After i update my apps to unity sdk( that just released 10 days ago by @DavidKimVungle All the crashes gone , as you previously said those crashes is already addressed in Windows SDK 6.10.1. but the Windows SDK 6.10.1. just integrated with Unity Plugin 6.10.5. 10 days ago . So the delay between Windows SDK release and Unity SDK release make this confuse happen.

About (unity sdk SDK 6.10.1) i detected some new issues (not crashes but bad bugs ) : i have 2 win10 pc (core i5 8gb ram & core i7 16gb ram) both pc contains same windows os version.

+issue 1 (happen on both pc 8gb and 16gb ) :

+issue 2 (happen only on 8gb pc ) -Vungle video ad has two close button the first one shown on video end ,the second one shown after click the first close button (something link interstitial ad come with its own close button) the bug is after 15 min+ playing session when Ad Shown and you click on first close button waiting for the seconds to come its never come its stuck on black screen forever force user to restart the app (no crash).

i received the and i will give it a try on my apps this week.

thank you again

stanley-vungle commented 2 years ago

@fifewas Hi. Could I get what Unity version you are using so I can attempt to reproduce your issues? And can you confirm that these are your issues? How often do these happen?

  1. You are getting crashes because of the JSON parser.
  2. A video ad does not replace the view and is playing in the background on loop.
  3. Two close buttons appear. One of the buttons is present at the start of the ad and the second one will appear at the end. If the first one is tapped, you get a black screen.
fifewas commented 2 years ago

@stanley-vungle hi, unity sdk Windows SDK 6.10.1 integrated) 1.You are getting crashes because of the JSON parser. -No,those crashes not exist anymore after upgrade to unity sdk . 2.A video ad does not replace the view and is playing in the background on loop. -No the videoAd is replace the view but after playing for few seconds (2 to 4) suddenly closed (without the close button clicked and before video ad completed ) the OnAdClose event not fired (the video view gone but its sound keep looping in the background). 3.Two close buttons appear. One of the buttons is present at the start of the ad and the second one will appear at the end. If the first one is tapped, you get a black screen. -some kind of videos on vungle ad network have (two close button) (this type of ads not shown often ) button_1 appear after the video completely end and Button_2 appear as layer (like interstitialAd) with slideUp/scroolUp effect after first button tapped/clicked . the bug happen in the period between the button_1 clicked and the slidingUp Layer Come (never come just a blackscreen forever) force user to close the app.

stanley-vungle commented 2 years ago

@fifewas Ok. Thanks. Are you using Unity 2019, 2020 or a different version? Can I get your exact version like 2019.4.28f1?

fifewas commented 2 years ago

unity version 2019.4.29f1

stanley-vungle commented 2 years ago

I made a build with that Unity 2019.4.29f1 and was unable to reproduce the issue but my device is 32 GB. I need to find someone with a lower memory device.

I have a few more questions.

fifewas commented 2 years ago

Yes maybe those issues only happen on low memory device like my 8gb pc , about Log : i haven't cause wen i face those Vungle issues my target goal is test my Game not vungle (i download the release version of my app from store and keep playing with some friends ) the vungle issues just a result of this testing.

+i don't focus on this issues in debug mode on visual studio cause its normal for 8gb ram pc with (windows10+vs2019+big 3d project) system freeze or even crash. but i start worry about those issues cause its happen after play the release game without vs2019 open or any other application (i keep looking to the memory usage and cpu look fine 40% free) but the issues happen after long playing session.

+you can download the uwp app from windows store

im not sure if those issues related with my system OS/hardware or the vungle sdk but those issues not causing crashes.

this is the (double close button video ad) i take screen for it (first close button at top-left and second at top-right) 1 2

gregthatcher commented 2 years ago

@fifewas , can you please send me the "placement ids" you are using when you seeing the "two close buttons" and "video ad does not replace the view and is playing in the background on loop." issues. I suspect that it is "DEFAULT-0464902" , but let me know if this is correct. Note that the "placement id" is the parameter you send to your LoadAd() call.

fifewas commented 2 years ago

@gregthatcher , sure "REWARDED-4142172" , "INTER-6293759" Account ID : 5897752b971ab0802d00000e Publisher:Binoog thank u

fifewas commented 2 years ago

Last mentioned bug are also detected on my other game +this is the double close button ad ( like you can see only left close button shown and some other vungle icons ) i have no control over my app in this situation and the second interstitial (second close button) never come,


+here the black screen mentioned before and memory usage look fine


thank you

gregthatcher commented 2 years ago

@fifewas , when you reported the "double close' issue above (I'm referring to the picture you uploaded on 12/23), you are saying that the ad first shows a close button on the left, and then later shows a close button on the right, correct? You're not saying that you actually see two close buttons at the same time, correct?

For the second ad you show (the one with the "Remove Ads" artwork, I haven't been able to see this ad using your REWARDED-4142172 placement. If you are still able to reproduce this problem, I'm wondering if you could send me a Fiddler Trace. If you aren't familiar with Fiddler, please see

This will help me to find the ad that is giving you problems.

fifewas commented 2 years ago

@gregthatcher hi, sorry for delay but i'm not familiar with Fiddler and really haven't time to learn (really sorry), anyway most of those issues gone when run apps on 12GB+ ram , there is new issues on PluginVersion = "" that doesn't exist on PluginVersion = ""; i will open new thread about it