Vungle / Windows-SDK

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WinUI 3 supports? #38

Open lunelake opened 2 years ago

lunelake commented 2 years ago

Vungle SDK doesn't seem to support WinUI 3.0 yet. Will you support it in the future?

gregthatcher commented 2 years ago

Yes, we are currently trying to make our SDK compatible with WinUI 3. Would you be interesting in helping us beta test this in the coming months. If so, can you give us more details about how you are using WinUI 3? e.g. are you using C++ or C#, and are you targeting desktop and/or UWP?

lunelake commented 2 years ago

Yes, I would like to participate in the beta test! I'm converting my app from UWP to desktop with WinUI 3 and developing using C#.

gregthatcher commented 2 years ago

Thanks much for volunteering to Beta test. We are some weeks away from our first MVP, but I'll let you know when we have something ready,

lunelake commented 1 year ago

Thanks! I'll wait for it.

Qws commented 1 year ago

MAUI is powered by WinUI3, I hope it will also work for MAUI?

gregthatcher commented 1 year ago

@Qws , thanks for bringing this to our attention. Yes, our goal is to make the new SDK work with .Net 6, Xamarin, and (now that you've brought it to our attention), Maui.

Would you also be interested in being a beta tester for us? We are still some weeks away from a Beta (hopefully October), but are trying to give development priority to development environments that we have beta testers for. If "yes", we will prioritize Maui over Xamarin.

Qws commented 1 year ago

Yes, I'm interested in beta testing Vungle for MAUI (Windows and Android).

gregthatcher commented 1 year ago

@lunelake can you confirm (or deny) that you are using .Net 6 for your WinUI app, and not some older version (e.g. .Net Core 3.1)?

lunelake commented 1 year ago

Sure, I'm using .Net 6 with WinUI.

gregthatcher commented 1 year ago

@lunelake , are you also using Maui?

lunelake commented 1 year ago

@gregthatcher I mainly use WinUI, but I can also help with testing in MAUI.

atecey commented 1 year ago

How can I sign up to test WinUI3 .Net 6? Not using Maui

gregthatcher commented 1 year ago

Hi @atecey , I have added you to our list of Beta testers -- thanks very much. Unfortunately, we're running a big behind on our development, but we're hoping to have something for beta test at the end of November or early December.

lunelake commented 1 year ago

@gregthatcher Hello, Is there any update for this?

gregthatcher commented 1 year ago

@lunelake , unfortunately, this project was delayed for a few months, but we are now back on it, and hope to have a beta soon. Very sorry for the delays.

peerlessDJ commented 1 year ago


Have any betas for WinUI3 .Net 6

peerlessDJ commented 1 year ago

Hi @atecey , I have added you to our list of Beta testers -- thanks very much. Unfortunately, we're running a big behind on our development, but we're hoping to have something for beta test at the end of November or early December.

please add me to your list of Beta testers

gregthatcher commented 1 year ago

I have added you to the list @peerlessDJ . We are still some weeks out from a beta test, but hope to have something for you soon.

Francis365 commented 8 months ago

@gregthatcher , hope to get the release soon, please add me to the list.

gregthatcher commented 8 months ago

@Francis365 , I have added you to the list. We are nearing alpha, and hope to have a beta soon. I apologize to everyone here for the delays.

jlyttle1 commented 8 months ago

I'm available to help test with MAUI.

gregthatcher commented 8 months ago

I have added you to the list, @jlyttle1 . We almost have betas for WinUI 3, WinForms, WPF, and UWP ready. Unfortunately, Maui will take a little longer (because of issues with its WebView), but I'll let you know when it's ready.

nestebe commented 6 months ago

Hello, I'm also ready for testing the MAUI SDK if you need

gregthatcher commented 6 months ago

@nestebe , I'm going to try to get a WinUI version up this week.

For anyone here interested in WPF, I have an early Beta SDK here

and a sample app and source here:

gregthatcher commented 6 months ago

@lunelake , @atecey , @peerlessDJ , @Francis365 ,

My apologies for all the delays.

I have uploaded an early beta of the SDK and some sample source showing how to use it at

Please try it out, and let me know how it works.

For anyone here waiting for Maui, we are having some technical issues which we hope the Maui team will resolve soon, and hope to have this beta ready sometime in the new year.

Francis365 commented 6 months ago

@lunelake , @atecey , @peerlessDJ , @Francis365 ,

My apologies for all the delays.

I have uploaded an early beta of the SDK and some sample source showing how to use it at

Please try it out, and let me know how it works.

For anyone here waiting for Maui, we are having some technical issues which we hope the Maui team will resolve soon, and hope to have this beta ready sometime in the new year.

Thanks @gregthatcher , very excited to try this out. Please keep us updated on new versions.

EdwinVD commented 5 months ago

@gregthatcher Thanks for sharing the SDK for winUI3. I was playing around with the SDK and I noticed only rewarded and Interstitial ads work. Can you add loading XAML Banner example (320 x 50) to the SDK and in the sample?

lunelake commented 5 months ago

@gregthatcher I've been waiting for a long time, and I'm glad to hear that it's finally out. Thanks for sharing. I also downloaded it and tested it, but as Edwin mentioned above, the Banner ads are not showing. So, I added Interstitial ads from the Vungle site, but they don't appear in the list, so I can't test them. I hope this can be improved later.

EdwinVD commented 3 months ago

@gregthatcher any new version we can test?

gregthatcher commented 3 months ago

Hi @EdwinVD , we will be uploading a new version late next week.

gregthatcher commented 3 months ago

Hi @EdwinVD ,

I have uploaded new versions of the SDK here: (for WinUI 3) (for WinForms) (for WPF)

Here are the latest sample apps:

Note that these early Beta's don't include privacy features for GDPR, CCPA, or COPPA, so you will have to (temporarily) take care of these privacy features yourself.

EdwinVD commented 2 months ago

Hi @gregthatcher Not sure why the winUI3 demo app it is not displaying any reward ads or interstitial ads. I do get the list of placements but after that it is stop working. I do see in the log lots of: The thread '[Thread Destroyed]' (7436) has exited with code 0 (0x0). The thread '[Thread Destroyed]' (11396) has exited with code 0 (0x0). The thread '[Thread Destroyed]' (1020) has exited with code 0 (0x0). The thread '[Thread Destroyed]' (16352) has exited with code 0 (0x0).

I did test the WPF that works great (display reward ads or interstitial ads).

Can you test and update the winUI 3 demo app with windows SKD Buildtools Latest stable 10.0.22621.3233 and Windows App SDK Latest stable 1.5.240311000. And update the package.appxmanifeset file and add internetClient to the Capabilities section.

And does the winUI 3 .dll support showing banners? sample code?

Thank you :-) !

I use Visual Studio 2022 (ARM 64-bit) Version 17.9.3 Windows 11 24H2

gregthatcher commented 2 months ago

Hi Edwin, yes, I will update the Build tools, App SDK, and capabilities. I'll try to get that to you this week. Could you please email me your app id and/or a Charles or Fiddler trace of network traffic? If you don't want to post here, you can email me at gthatcher "at" Unfortunately, we do not currently have plans to support Banners in the short term, although this may change.

gregthatcher commented 2 months ago

@EdwinVD here are the new demo apps:

and here are the new SDKs:

As you have requested, I have updated the Build tools, App SDK, and capabilities, and also fixed a problem you were having downloading ads.

The new SDKs do not support Banners, and it may be some time before they do (sorry).

Let me know if you have any more issues, and thanks again for being a beta tester.

datvm commented 2 months ago

I can confirm it works for MAUI Hybrid (Blazor on WinUI3) with the latest SDK. However there is an issue that the ad takes the whole window and the close ad button is behind the app's Close button and can't be clicked:


EdwinVD commented 2 months ago

@gregthatcher Thanks works. 🥳 I'm still tweaking around...

  1. But yeah the close button for the ads is on top of the Windows close button. When you click on close ad it will close the window app. Also the hover text for close should be change also for the next version.
Screenshot 2024-03-25 at 10 39 28 PM Screenshot 2024-03-27 at 9 58 09 PM
  1. Is there a function to detect that the ads is closed: Assume this not build yet? private void SdkInstance_OnAdEnd(object sender, AdEndEventArgs e)
  1. Also some times when I close the ads. It stay black screen and not to my normal screen from before.

  2. @gregthatcher can I use this for my production version now? added my own GDPR, CCPA, or COPPA alert system.

I can try to hide the window close button and show it back when ads is close. but feel not good way to do that. @datvm take a look what i did:

Screenshot 2024-03-27 at 9 52 32 PM
gregthatcher commented 2 months ago

@datvm , thanks much for letting us know you got this working on Maui Hybrid.

1.) I can't get that same close button behavior on my WinUI 3 demo apps. The SDK tries to position the ad inside the client area, but it looks like the Maui Hybrid app is spilling over into the title bar. I'm wondering if I could give you a special setting which says "show the ad at a vertical offset of n pixels from the top of the app" so that you could reposition the ad down below the (Maui Hybrid) title bar? Also, please confirm that you are using the WinUI 3 library, and not the WPF library.

2.) I will try to get you a new version with OnAdEnd by the end of next week.

3.) I have not yet been able to reproduce this. Are you using the latest version of the SDK? I recently updated the version of WebView2. If possible, please send me a Charles trace so that I can try to figure out if a particular ad is causing a problem.

4.) You can certainly use this in production, but I'd like to address 3.) to make sure none of your users get locked out of your app.

EdwinVD commented 2 months ago

@gregthatcher Answer for question: 1. Do you want that i share my project? email so you can see? make an option to move the X button from the corner like margeTop = 20 px. Answer for question 2: great! Answer for question 3. I think it this line way my screen get black and not go back to that previous screen. " Received MRAID Command : mraid://action/?event=download Diagnostic - Error LiftoffSDK.Public.DiagnosticLogEvent Don't know how to handle MRAID action command." If this log doesn't help i will check it with Charles.

See my Visual Studio log: Diagnostic - Info LiftoffSDK.Public.DiagnosticLogEvent Receive script notify: mraid://actionWithValue?event=videoViewed&value=8775 Diagnostic - Info LiftoffSDK.Public.DiagnosticLogEvent Received MRAID Command : mraid://actionwithvalue/?event=videoViewed&value=8775 Diagnostic - Info LiftoffSDK.Public.DiagnosticLogEvent Receive script notify: mraid://tpat?event=clickUrl Diagnostic - Info LiftoffSDK.Public.DiagnosticLogEvent Received MRAID Command : mraid://tpat/?event=clickUrl Diagnostic - Warn LiftoffSDK.Public.DiagnosticLogEvent in pending list Diagnostic - Info LiftoffSDK.Public.DiagnosticLogEvent Sending request Diagnostic - Warn LiftoffSDK.Public.DiagnosticLogEvent in pending list onecore\net\netprofiles\service\src\nsp\dll\namespaceserviceprovider.cpp(597)\nlansp_c.dll!00007FFE2157CE4C: (caller: 00007FFE3E0567A0) LogHr(27) tid(13bf4) 8007277C No such service is known. The service cannot be found in the specified name space. Diagnostic - Info LiftoffSDK.Public.DiagnosticLogEvent Sending request Diagnostic - Info LiftoffSDK.Public.DiagnosticLogEvent Receive script notify: mraid://tpat? Diagnostic - Info LiftoffSDK.Public.DiagnosticLogEvent Received MRAID Command : mraid://tpat/? Diagnostic - Warn LiftoffSDK.Public.DiagnosticLogEvent in pending list Diagnostic - Info LiftoffSDK.Public.DiagnosticLogEvent Sending request Diagnostic - Info LiftoffSDK.Public.DiagnosticLogEvent Reading response from Diagnostic - Info LiftoffSDK.Public.DiagnosticLogEvent Reading response from Diagnostic - Info LiftoffSDK.Public.DiagnosticLogEvent Done reading response from Diagnostic - Info LiftoffSDK.Public.DiagnosticLogEvent Done reading response from Diagnostic - Info LiftoffSDK.Public.DiagnosticLogEvent Receive script notify: mraid://action?event=download Diagnostic - Info LiftoffSDK.Public.DiagnosticLogEvent Received MRAID Command : mraid://action/?event=download Diagnostic - Error LiftoffSDK.Public.DiagnosticLogEvent Don't know how to handle MRAID action command. The thread '[Thread Destroyed]' (45604) has exited with code 0 (0x0). The thread '[Thread Destroyed]' (35424) has exited with code 0 (0x0). Diagnostic - Error LiftoffSDK.Public.DiagnosticLogEvent System.Threading.Tasks.TaskCanceledException: The operation was canceled. ---> System.IO.IOException: Unable to read data from the transport connection: The I/O operation has been aborted because of either a thread exit or an application request.. ---> System.Net.Sockets.SocketException (995): The I/O operation has been aborted because of either a thread exit or an application request. --- End of inner exception stack trace --- at System.Net.Sockets.Socket.AwaitableSocketAsyncEventArgs.ThrowException(SocketError error, CancellationToken cancellationToken) at System.Net.Sockets.Socket.AwaitableSocketAsyncEventArgs.System.Threading.Tasks.Sources.IValueTaskSource<System.Int32>.GetResult(Int16 token) at System.Net.Security.SslStream.EnsureFullTlsFrameAsync[TIOAdapter](TIOAdapter adapter) at System.Net.Security.SslStream.ReadAsyncInternal[TIOAdapter](TIOAdapter adapter, Memory1 buffer) at System.Net.Http.HttpConnection.InitialFillAsync(Boolean async) at System.Net.Http.HttpConnection.SendAsyncCore(HttpRequestMessage request, Boolean async, CancellationToken cancellationToken) --- End of inner exception stack trace --- at System.Net.Http.HttpClient.HandleFailure(Exception e, Boolean telemetryStarted, HttpResponseMessage response, CancellationTokenSource cts, CancellationToken cancellationToken, CancellationTokenSource pendingRequestsCts) at System.Net.Http.HttpClient.g__Core|83_0(HttpRequestMessage request, HttpCompletionOption completionOption, CancellationTokenSource cts, Boolean disposeCts, CancellationTokenSource pendingRequestsCts, CancellationToken originalCancellationToken) at LiftoffSDK.Controllers.RequestController.SendRequest(RequestBase request) Exception The thread '[Thread Destroyed]' (128296) has exited with code 0 (0x0). The thread 143496 has exited with code 0 (0x0). The thread 136332 has exited with code 0 (0x0). The thread 49104 has exited with code 0 (0x0). The thread '[Thread Destroyed]' (176036) has exited with code 0 (0x0). The thread '[Thread Destroyed]' (70068) has exited with code 0 (0x0). The thread '[Thread Destroyed]' (60580) has exited with code 0 (0x0). `

gregthatcher commented 2 months ago

@EdwinVD , I'm running a little late, and am trying to get you a new build this week (sorry).

gregthatcher commented 2 months ago

@EdwinVD , sorry for the delays.

I have uploaded new Demo apps and SDKS: WinUI 3 Demo App: WPF Demo App: WinUI 3 SDK:

WPF SDK: WinForms SDK:

1.) You can now reposition the ad by setting the XOffset and/or YOffset of the AdConfig object that you pass into PlayAd() 2.) There are now new OnAdStart and OnAdEnd events that you can subscribe to. The demo apps show examples of this. 3.) I believe I have fixed the "black screen" issue your reported. 4.) I believe you are good to go, but this release is still considered a Beta release.

Please let me know if you find any more issues.

EdwinVD commented 2 months ago

Looks good! Thanks @gregthatcher

  1. YOffset solve the close ad button.
  2. the function works!
  3. Don't see the black screen anymore.
  4. I will push my next app release this weekend to MS store, so you can see a live product. (I will post ms store app link later mid week). NEW:
  5. still see that label for close ads. "close-outline-icon" Screenshot 2024-04-12 at 7 42 47 PM


  1. When I click on the left bottom corner (shield icon) and click on "read Vungle Privacy Policy" it doesn't do anything see log. I assume a web browser will open and go to a page?

Diagnostic - Info LiftoffSDK.Public.DiagnosticLogEvent Receive script notify: mraid://openPrivacy? Diagnostic - Info LiftoffSDK.Public.DiagnosticLogEvent Received MRAID Command : mraid://openprivacy/? Diagnostic - Error LiftoffSDK.Public.DiagnosticLogEvent System.UriFormatException: Invalid URI: The format of the URI could not be determined.

Screenshot 2024-04-12 at 7 53 06 PM
EdwinVD commented 1 month ago

@gregthatcher Feel free to test it . DEMO - Slider puzzle Game for Windows 11 + Widget (approved on MS Store):

Other questions:

  1. I notice some countries (Belgium,..) the ads is not fully show. Or sometimes that ad is just spinning and loading... No way to close that ad screen. Maybe add a close button if it spin to long. Screenshot 2024-04-14 at 16 29 26 Screenshot 2024-04-14 at 16 33 17

  2. I push up the age rate to [RATING PENDING LIKELY TEEN 13+] ( But not sure if that is good. COPPA settings is now turn to "Agree - COPPA settings will NOT apply" . Or should i set it to "Disagree - COPPA settings will apply" . Not sure what is good let me know what you think.

Thanks, Edwin

datvm commented 1 month ago

Thank you, last update works! For anyone who needs to get the Title Bar height from MAUI/MAUI Hybrid:

// It should be 32 for Win 11, just in case the below code doesn't work
int titleBarHeight = 32;

// Getting the Height:
if (Application.Current?.Windows.FirstOrDefault()?.Handler?.PlatformView is not MauiWinUIWindow window) { return; }

var titleBar = window.AppWindow.TitleBar;
titleBarHeight = titleBar.Height; // Store for later
// Use it when playing ad:
    YOffset = titleBarHeight,
}, PlacementId);
datvm commented 1 month ago

There is an issue, sometimes when playing ads it's still loading like this indefinitely and there is no way to return to the app:


Is it possible to add a timeout option, or at least a StopAd method so we can timeout by ourselves? Thank you

gregthatcher commented 1 month ago

@datvm yes, I will make a StopAd method, and also try to implement a timeout option. Can you please send me your Vungle App id so that I can repro the issue? You can email it to gthatcher "at"

@EdwinVD , I will look into the "open privacy" issue soon. Since the SDK does not yet support COPPA, you will need to temporarily implement COPPA yourself (if required), and should set the dashboard to "Agree - COPPA settings will NOT apply" for now.

gregthatcher commented 1 month ago

@EdwinVD , there seems to be some kind of spam filter blocking emails between us.

Here are my recent answers to your last email: Hi Edwin,

I am able to load and play the REWARDed ad with no problems (yet).

It looks like that app id is currently set to Test mode. Can you please change it to live mode, and leave it like that for me to test again? Note that it can take up to an hour for our servers to update after making a change.

Regarding your log files: 1.) " Skipped loading symbols. Module is optimized and the debugger option 'Just My Code' is enabled." Can you please turn this off so that we can be (more) sure that we are getting a good stack trace. 2.) "namespaceserviceprovider.cpp(597)\nlansp_c.dll!00007FFD07463C00: (caller: 00007FFD15D06654) LogHr(21) tid(4c14) 8007277C No such service is known. The service cannot be found in the specified name space." This stack overflow article,, seems to suggest that this might be benign if you are getting this on Windows 11. 3.) "This element does not have a XamlRoot. Either set the XamlRoot property or add the element to a tree" This might indicate that you are calling the Vungle SDK before you have any kind of UI set up. The SDK needs to have some kind of UI to attach to.

Let me know if you have other ideas or other things I can test.

EdwinVD commented 1 month ago

Thanks for the email Greg! I will check my code again. If there is still an issue I post it back on GitHub.

Let me know if there other new SDK release version coming..

Thanks again! 🙂

Kind regards, Edwin Van Damme

From: Greg Thatcher @.> Sent: April 29, 2024 17:33 To: Vungle/Windows-SDK @.> Cc: Edwin Van Damme @.>; Mention @.> Subject: Re: [Vungle/Windows-SDK] WinUI 3 supports? (Issue #38)

@EdwinVD , there seems to be some kind of spam filter blocking emails between us.

Here are my recent answers to your last email: Hi Edwin,

I am able to load and play the REWARDed ad with no problems (yet).

It looks like that app id is currently set to Test mode. Can you please change it to live mode, and leave it like that for me to test again? Note that it can take up to an hour for our servers to update after making a change.

Regarding your log files: 1.) " Skipped loading symbols. Module is optimized and the debugger option 'Just My Code' is enabled." Can you please turn this off so that we can be (more) sure that we are getting a good stack trace. 2.) "namespaceserviceprovider.cpp(597)\nlansp_c.dll!00007FFD07463C00: (caller: 00007FFD15D06654) LogHr(21) tid(4c14) 8007277C No such service is known. The service cannot be found in the specified name space." This stack overflow article,, seems to suggest that this might be benign if you are getting this on Windows 11. 3.) "This element does not have a XamlRoot. Either set the XamlRoot property or add the element to a tree" This might indicate that you are calling the Vungle SDK before you have any kind of UI set up. The SDK needs to have some kind of UI to attach to.

Let me know if you have other ideas or other things I can test.

— Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub, or unsubscribe You are receiving this because you were mentioned.

EdwinVD commented 2 weeks ago


Any new version? I got some users (I assume other countries than USA) complain they not seeing ads or message saying "invalid file" or stuck in loading..

Screenshot 2024-05-24 at 9 53 49 AM

An user send me this when they see a video ad (reward video) - guess can't find the video ad url?: image

For the previous question: 2.) "namespaceserviceprovider.cpp(597)\nlansp_c.dll!00007FFD07463C00: (caller: 00007FFD15D06654) LogHr(21) tid(4c14) 8007277C No such service is known. The service cannot be found in the specified name space." This stack overflow article,, seems to suggest that this might be benign if you are getting this on Windows 11.

Yeah only on windows 11 I get this but I don’t have that in my code “GetHostByName” I assume it is in the SDK that you need to update that?

3.) This issue with XamlRoot only show up when the Ads is done playing and I close it, I run a function to get an other ad ready. Weird I get this..

Feel free to test it also let me know: GAMES with Vungle SDK:

Kind regards, Edwin

gregthatcher commented 1 week ago

@EdwinVD , sorry for the delay in getting back to you.

Yes, we are trying to get a new version out at the end of this week.

We are trying to fix the loading spinner problem that you show above.

For 2.), we also believe this is a benign error.

I don't understand what the XamlRoot problem is. Could you please give more details?

gregthatcher commented 3 days ago

I believe that this may need to be installed on user's machines

The new SDK uses WebView2, and I believe this library may be a requirement. For any beta testers who are never are able to play an ad, this may be the issue. LMK if anyone here can confirm this.