VurtualRuler98 / BoxLoader

A simple set of scripts that lets you load boxes using Vehicle in Vehicle for Arma 3.
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[Question] Persistence #5

Open Pyth3rEx opened 4 years ago

Pyth3rEx commented 4 years ago

How can we make this mod persistent on a dedicated server? (eg. base building)

VurtualRuler98 commented 4 years ago

As a test I forked grad persistence to add boxloader-friendly features, you can find that here: The fork adds support for vehicle-in-vehicle loaded cargo, and garage customizations+cargo mode toggles for the vehicles I've made.

Pyth3rEx commented 4 years ago

So do I just replace my old grad files with the forked ones? config dosn't change right?

VurtualRuler98 commented 4 years ago

No changes to the config requirements, but I've only tested it with setting saveContainers, saveVehicles, saveUnits, and saveStatics all to 2. I'm not 100% certain what qualifies as what category(pallets are static weapons, etc), so ideally you want to save all of them.

Pyth3rEx commented 4 years ago

Hey, just letting you know that your version dosn't change anything. we are still having issues with vehicles blowing up ect unless we unload everything.

VurtualRuler98 commented 4 years ago

Did you use the boxloader-compat branch of the fork? The master branch is unchanged since that's how github seems to want people to do it, as it makes pull requests easier.

Pyth3rEx commented 4 years ago

Hum... your branches are all over the place dude. Which one am I looking for?

Scratch that.. was looking a the wrong repo. I'll try it out.

Scratch that twice... I as indeed using your compat branch

VurtualRuler98 commented 4 years ago

One thing I might have forgotten to mention is that the "retrofit" vehicles(vanilla ones that don't normally support VIV transporting cargo) wouldn't work with it. The way I got the vanilla vehicles to work originally back in the day is way more complicated to try to persist, and has a bunch of other downsides too.

If the vehicles that you're loading with stuff natively support VIV cargo(eg my vehicle mods, RHS flatbeds, the two vanilla cargo HEMTTs, etc) then I'm not sure what the problem could be.

Pyth3rEx commented 4 years ago

I have tested with the RHS truck (I've put a MRZR from RHS on it) as well as 2 flatbed HEMTTs (with a container on one and a portable construction on the other one). Sadly one HEMTT blew up, the RHS truck ended up upside down and the 3rd one ended up with half the tires flattened. We sadly don't use your vehicle mods as our modlist is way to large already.

VurtualRuler98 commented 4 years ago

Some of the RHS vehicles have native VIV and some don't, the ones that don't I did retrofit configs for. If you wanted to be really certain, you could manually turn off retrofits in boxloader's CBA settings before spawning the vehicles you used, but it seems like the exploding issue might be something more complicated than that. I only tested my fork for a while on a local server, so it could be anything from dedicated server specific issues, or some mod conflict, etc.

If the vanilla HEMTT flatbeds were exploding, then it definitely doesn't sound like a retrofit related problem.

Pyth3rEx commented 4 years ago

Well let me know if I can do anything to help.