Open rdagger opened 8 years ago
Thanks !
I'm using wiringPi for GPIO pins, and I think they allow to use both BCM and board for pin numbering ( I'll look into it, and maybe add some option to the plugin initialization to set the numbering mode to use.
As a workaround, you should be able to just warp a "matcher" around this like that:
var matcher = {
'1': 5,
'4': 8
var DHT22 = new RaspiSensors.Sensor({
type : "DHT22",
pin: matcher[4]
Thanks, the wiring gets confusing when you are working with multiple packages and they have different numbering.
Great job. This is the first package I’ve found that works flawlessly with the DHT-22. Would it be possible to add an option to use BCM numbering instead of board for the GPIO pins? For example, some packages have a set mode option to switch between BCM and board. Or some packages allow you to specify a string such as “GPIO21” instead of a number for BCM.