Vydia / react-native-background-upload

Upload files in your React Native app even while it's backgrounded. Supports Android and iOS, including camera roll assets.
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Uploading Videos to S3 uploads immediately, but does not upload correclty #310

Open onsiteUDA opened 1 year ago

onsiteUDA commented 1 year ago

Updated to v6.5.1 Videos from camera roll on IOS were being uploaded to S3 instantly, the file seemed to be there in the bucket, however previewing/downloading the file uploaded would not play as if it had been corrupted. Photos work fine they show up as intended

        const access = new Credentials({
            accessKeyId: myKeyID,
            secretAccessKey: mySecretAccessKey

          const s3 = new S3({
            credentials: access,
            region: 'us-west-2',
            signatureVersion: 'v4',

          const s3Params = {
            Key: image.s3key,
            Expires: 900,
            ContentType: mimeType,
            ACL: 'public-read',

          let url = s3.getSignedUrl('putObject', s3Params);
          options = {
            type: 'raw',
            method: 'PUT',
            headers: {
              'content-length': image.size.toString(),
              accept: mimeType,
            url: url, 
            field: 'file',
            path:  path,
            // Below are options only supported on Android
            notification: {
              enabled: true,
              onCompleteTitle: 'File uploaded successfully',
              onErrorTitle: 'File failed to upload',

Upload.startUpload(options).then((uploadId) => {
  console.log('Upload started')
  Upload.addListener('progress', uploadId, (data) => {
    console.log(`Progress: ${data.progress}%`)
  Upload.addListener('error', uploadId, (data) => {
    console.log(`Error: ${data.error}%`)
  Upload.addListener('cancelled', uploadId, (data) => {
  Upload.addListener('completed', uploadId, (data) => {
    // data includes responseCode: number and responseBody: Object
}).catch((err) => {
  console.log('Upload error!', err)

Attempted to use Post instead using the following

 options = {
            type: 'multipart',
            method: 'POST',
            headers: {
              'content-type': mimeType, 
              'content-length': image.size.toString(),
            url: myURLPost,
            field: 'file',
            path: path,
            parameters: {
                bucket: myBucket,
                region: 'us-west-2',
                accessKey: myKey
                secretKey: mySecrectAccessKey,
                successActionStatus: 201,
                key: image.s3key,
                date: new Date(),
                contentType: mimeType,
            // Below are options only supported on Android
            notification: {
              enabled: true,
              onCompleteTitle: 'File uploaded successfully',
              onErrorTitle: 'File failed to upload',

It also had the same outcome.

I then proceeded to downgrade back to where I was (6.2.0) since it was working then. The first method used works for photos as intended but not for the videos; however, the second method used, correctly uploads the video to S3 as they are in the bucket and can be previewed/downloaded correclty

He1nr1chK commented 1 year ago

Hi @onsiteUDA,

Don't know if I am too late, and I also don't know if this might solve your problem but I encountered something similar. In my case files with whitespace in the file name would show that it was finished uploading but on S3 showed 0kb. I used react-native-document-picker & expo-file-system. My solution was to do the following:

const { extension } = await Upload.getFileInfo(filePath);
  localPath = `${FileSystem.documentDirectory}${nameWithNoWhitespace}.${extension}`;
  await FileSystem.copyAsync({
    from: filePath,
    to: localPath,

Hope this helps someone!