VynceMontgomery / sankai

Sankai, a boardgame implemented in Boardzilla
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forward compatibility #19

Open VynceMontgomery opened 4 months ago

VynceMontgomery commented 4 months ago

Unfortunately, using core 0.1.10 breaks rampageWreck. (breakage happens inside wreck; other wrecks might also be broken?) Specifically, the player's input is ignored for target; targets[0] is always chosen - well, except if i reverse the array the same item is still chosen? splashZone does not acknowledge the right number of selections and cannot confirm if skipIf is never; skipif default causes i to auto-select the first N options - but if i reveres the array of options, it is the new first N, despite the behavior of target.

which is weird.

So - test this on next core (0.2?) and deal with it then. meanwhile, don't up, i guess?