VzBoT3D / VzBoT-Vz330

The VzBot 3D-printer
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Power supply 48V #2

Closed demonlibra closed 2 years ago

demonlibra commented 3 years ago

Motor Wantai 42BYGHW811 Rate voltage 3.1V Rate current 2.5A

Maximum power dissipation for this motor 3.1V x 2.5A = 7.75W Two motors 7.75W x 2 = 15.5W

Why you preffer power supply 350W 48V?

HoshuaK commented 3 years ago

I believe he's running the stock Tronxy bed which runs on 24V.

demonlibra commented 3 years ago

I write about power supply 48V which using only for stepper motors.

mouamart commented 2 years ago

I write about power supply 48V which using only for stepper motors.

I believe it's to power the TMC5160HV driver's not the stepper motor directly

demonlibra commented 2 years ago

Just think about it. I am sure you can use a power supply with a much lower power, for example, 50 watts. This will be a threefold power reserve. Of course this requires real testing.

mouamart commented 2 years ago

Just think about it. I am sure you can use a power supply with a much lower power, for example, 50 watts. This will be a threefold power reserve. Of course this requires real testing. You're stepper motor problem don't need the 48v psu but the 48v system is for the ODrive motor


demonlibra commented 2 years ago

I thought you were using 48V for stepper motors. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B0E0zaYVU94

tehmaze commented 2 years ago

For motor power budget use the formula on the Watterott wiki: https://learn.watterott.com/silentstepstick/faq/#what-power-supply-do-i-need