W-L / ProblematicSites_SARS-CoV2

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Add column for particular sequencing tech/amplicon version #11

Open hsnguyen opened 2 years ago

hsnguyen commented 2 years ago

Hi I've noticed there're problematic sites added for V4 as well. Great work guys! Just wondering if we can have an additional column for the particular setting (sequencing platforms, amplicon version..) that actually introduce the problematic sites. I mean there're should be common sites to mask but the ones using V3 or ONT might not need to mask the V4 sites? This would give more options for the filtering to mask only sites of interest. Thanks,

W-L commented 2 years ago

Thanks for your message. We are currently investigating if there is a straight-forward way to add such flags to cross-reference problematic sites with amplicon primers in an automated and updateable manner. Thanks for the suggestion!