W3C-HCLSIG / HCLSDatasetDescriptions

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Possible typos? #120

Closed yayamamo closed 9 years ago

yayamamo commented 9 years ago


Since I'm a non-native English speaker, I'm not sure, but the followings seem to be typos.

6 Metadata Guidance Notes Thus, to be fully conformant with this specification, -> Thus, to be fully conformance with this specification,

6.2.4 Dates of Creation and Issuance which states the orginal creation date of the dataset. -> which states the original creation date of the dataset.

6.2.6 Publisher viz the person, organisation, or service -> viz. the person, organisation, or service

7.1 Workflows This section will briefly describe the contex of how a dataset might be consumed or produced within a workflow definition. -> This section will briefly describe the context of how a dataset might be consumed or produced within a workflow definition.

In addition, only the section 9 may be written in US English. Below are the lists I found. standardized / summarized / analyzing / analyze / visualization / categorization / modelling / harmonized / harmonization / normalize / catalog

Please discard if these are unimportant.

micheldumontier commented 9 years ago

Thanks! fixed the typos. we'll keep the US spelling.