WAReborn / WorldsAdriftReborn

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Added InGameState_Patch.cs this Updates GameObjects at runtime #29

Closed MonoToast closed 1 year ago

MonoToast commented 1 year ago

Added InGameState_Patch.cs this Updates GameObjects at runtime

This patch will set the player's location to where the floor of the island is For me this was a little under -30 may be an issue if the island changes but I have only had Island 949069116 spawn figure this works for testing

It will also set cmdBufClouds.GloableOffset to 0,0,0 this was the reason why the clouds were spawning as if you were in the void seems to fix without any downsides

the patch also enables islandVisualiser so that the mesh of the island renders

if the name of the island player or atmospheric objects changes this script will break in the future I would like to change maybe how the objects are being found but if this is only temp and for test I don't think that it is needed