WASdev / sample.voice.gateway

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Error when VGW tries to connect to SMS-gateway #220

Open giacomobartoli opened 3 years ago

giacomobartoli commented 3 years ago

Hi, I have the voice gateway and sms gateway both deployed into the same Kubernetes cluster hosted on IBM Cloud. Essentially, I am following those tutorials:

The aim is to trigger Watson Assistant, through voice call, to send a simple sms. I completed succesfully the first tutorial, so now I have a voice assistant deployed on Kubernetes. I also have the sms-gateway deployed on the same cluster.

Within Watson Assistant I have a node with the following action:

 "vgwAction": {
      "command": "vgwActSendSMS",
      "parameters": {
        "message": "This is a test message from Watson"

So when I call the dedicated Twilio number, Watson replies directly to me. Then, I ask to send a message and it enteres the node that contains the vgwActSendSMS command. However, nothing happens and if I check the VGW logs (sip-orchestrator pod) into Kubernetes I have this error:

[ERROR ] CWSGW00126E: A failure occurred when trying to send an SMS message. reason = Error response received from SMS Gateway: java.net.ConnectException: Timeout connecting to [sms-gateway/] sessionID = d1d28a0a-0923-408a-91a8-211d9019b345 tenantID = sip:+447575742570@;transport=tcp

It is clear that is a matter of connection parameters. However I cannot find what is wrong in my configuration.

This is the yaml of my sip-orchestrator:

                                "name": "SMS_GW_URL",
                                "value": "http://sms-gateway:9080/sms.gateway/smsPipe"
                                "name": "ENABLE_INBOUND_SMS",
                                "value": "false"
                                "name": "SMS_GW_READ_TIMEOUT",
                                "value": "30000"
                                "name": "WEB_HOOK_HOST",
                                "value": "vgwHostName"
                                "name": "HTTP_HOST",
                                "value": "localhost"
                                "name": "DISABLE_STT_DURING_PLAYBACK",
                                "value": "true"
                                "name": "WHITELIST_TO_URI",
                                "value": "my-twilio-phone-number"
                                "name": "WATSON_CONVERSATION_READ_TIMEOUT",
                                "value": "5"
                                "name": "WATSON_CONVERSATION_CONNECT_TIMEOUT",
                                "value": "5"
                                "name": "MEDIA_RELAY_HOST",
                                "value": "localhost:8080"
                                "name": "SIP_PORT",
                                "value": "5060"
                                "name": "HTTPS_PORT",
                                "value": "9443"
                                "name": "HTTP_HOST",
                                "value": ""
                                "name": "WATSON_CONVERSATION_WORKSPACE_ID",
                                "value": "my-skill-id"
                                "name": "WATSON_CONVERSATION_USERNAME",
                                "value": "apikey"
                                "name": "WATSON_CONVERSATION_PASSWORD",
                                "valueFrom": {
                                    "secretKeyRef": {
                                        "name": "secret-creds",
                                        "key": "WATSON_CONVERSATION_PASSWORD"
                                "name": "WATSON_CONVERSATION_URL",
                                "value": "my-watson-url"
                                "name": "ENABLE_AUDIT_MESSAGES",
                                "value": "true"
                                "name": "ENABLE_TRANSCRIPTION_AUDIT_MESSAGES",
                                "value": "true"
                                "name": "LOG_LEVEL",
                                "value": "ALL"

And this is the yaml configuration of the sms-gateway:

    "kind": "Deployment",
    "apiVersion": "apps/v1",
    "metadata": {
        "name": "sms-gateway",
        "creationTimestamp": null,
        "labels": {
            "servoce": "sms-gateway"
    "spec": {
        "replicas": 1,
        "selector": {
            "matchLabels": {
                "service": "sms-gateway"
        "template": {
            "metadata": {
                "creationTimestamp": null,
                "labels": {
                    "service": "sms-gateway"
            "spec": {
                "volumes": [
                        "name": "secret-certs",
                        "secret": {
                            "secretName": "secret-certs"
                "containers": [
                        "name": "vgw-sms-gateway",
                        "image": "ibmcom/voice-gateway-sms:latest",
                        "imagePullPolicy": "Always",
                        "ports": [
                                "containerPort": 9080,
                                "protocol": "TCP"
                                "containerPort": 9443,
                                "protocol": "TCP"
                        "env": [
                                "name": "SMS_PROVIDER_PASSWORD",
                                "value": "my-twilio-token"
                                "name": "SMS_PROVIDER_URL",
                                "value": "twilio-endpoint"   
                                "name": "SMS_PROVIDER_USERNAME",
                                "value": "my-twilio-user"
                                "name": "TENANT_PHONE_NUMBER",
                                "value": "my-twilio-number"
                                "name": "TIMEOUT_FOR_SESSION",
                                "value": "3600"
                                "name": "WATSON_CONVERSATION_URL",
                                "value": "watson-url"
                                "name": "WATSON_CONVERSATION_WORKSPACE_ID",
                                "value": "watons-skill-id"
                                "name": "WATSON_CONVERSATION_TOKEN_SERVICE_PROVIDER_URL",
                                "value": "https://iam.cloud.ibm.com/identity/token"
                                "name": "LOG_LEVEL",
                                "value": "info"
                                "name": "ENABLE_TRANSCRIPTION_MESSAGES",
                                "value": "false"

                "restartPolicy": "Always"
        "strategy": {
            "type": "Recreate"
    "status": {}

Could you explain why the VGW does not connect the SMS-Gateway?

Thanks in advance,