WASdev / standards.jsr352.jbatch

Home of 'jbatch', a compatible implementation of the Jakarta Batch specification (and the former Reference Implementation for the JSR 352, Batch Applications for the Java Platform specification).
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Mvn generate of TCK batch.xml has issues in Cygwin #32

Closed scottkurz closed 9 years ago

scottkurz commented 9 years ago

The Separator of '\' and the POM arg "com/ibm/jbatch/tck/artifacts/" aren't combining well.

Appreciate the idea here so rather than back the Java logic of @BrentDouglas I'll just checkin batch.xml as a source and comment it out of the build for now.

BrentDouglas commented 9 years ago

Sorry, I don't use windows so never really think about it. You should be able to work around it by adding this to the section (for brevity):


And then replacing the '/'s inthe args with ${fs}. Something like

<echo message="building ${project.basedir}${fs}src${fs}main${fs}resources${fs}META-INF${fs}build.xml"/>
<java classname="com.ibm.jbatch.tck.utils.BatchXMLGenerator">
    <arg value="${project.build.outputDirectory}"/>
    <arg value="com${fs}ibm${fs}jbatch${fs}tck${fs}artifacts${fs}"/>
    <arg value="${project.basedir}${fs}src${fs}main${fs}resources${fs}META-INF"/>
    <classpath refid="maven.compile.classpath"/>
        <dirset dir="${project.build.outputDirectory}/com/ibm/jbatch/tck">
            <include name="artifacts utils"/>
BrentDouglas commented 9 years ago

Also, if you are changing it, I mistakenly wrote build.xml rather than batch.xml in that log message.

scottkurz commented 9 years ago

Thanks for the tips.