WASdev / standards.jsr352.jbatch

Home of 'jbatch', a compatible implementation of the Jakarta Batch specification (and the former Reference Implementation for the JSR 352, Batch Applications for the Java Platform specification).
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Remove unused maven-bundle-plugin. #6

Closed BrentDouglas closed 9 years ago

BrentDouglas commented 9 years ago

This plugin is not used, as the manifest is provided as a resource, and it doesn't look like it is configured correctly anyway as it is referencing properties that are not defined in the project.

scottkurz commented 9 years ago


Are you observing a problem or just thinking it might be better to clean this up for hygiene's sake?

This sort of relates (in a roundabout way assuming this is actually not used) to our efforts to conform to these rules coordinating between the three versions: spec, mvn, OSGi.

As the other commented-out plugin hints at, we tried to follow the Glassfish approach here: https://wikis.oracle.com/display/GlassFish/Maven+Versioning+Rules

Having said that, I don't know why this code was ever added, don't understand it, and I'm not saying it needs to stay...just curious to learn why you thought to remove it.


BrentDouglas commented 9 years ago

I am removing it mostly for hygiene. I noticed the properties it's accepting aren't defined anywhere and did a bit if googling to try and work out what that plugin does. So far as I can tell the only thing the plugin does is add OSGi info to the Manifest. It looks a bit like this was a WIP commit that initially started to use this plugin but then later decided to write the manifest directly and copy it in and then got squashed into 2a61834d8.

scottkurz commented 9 years ago

OK, let's remove it for hygiene. Thanks for relaying that info.