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Smoother integration with Bluemix Devops #115

Open hughesj opened 7 years ago

hughesj commented 7 years ago

I wanted to run the generated app on Bluemix Devops. So I:

  1. created a repo in GitHub
  2. unzipped the download from the app accelerator
  3. git add .
  4. git commit -m"xx"
  5. git remote add origin <git url>
  6. git push origin master

Then hit this URL: https://console.ng.bluemix.net/devops/setup/deploy?repository=<git url> which created a DevOps toolchain and pipeline.

The build stage failed because, the default java compiler in the build environment is Java 7 whereas Java 8 is required by the App Accelerator pom.xml. I had to add:


to the Toolchain's Build Stage configuration.

Another observation here: when Bluemix Devops builds the project it runs the tests which causes Liberty to be download (to Bluemix). That's fine, but I wonder if there's something smarter that could be done there. Also, in this case it's not using the bluemix profile, even though I'm in Bluemix - Bluemix Devops in this case. Hopefully that isn't confusing for people.

katheris commented 6 years ago

@hughesj given recent updates to app accelerator can you verify whether this issue is still valid? If not you can go ahead and close it.