WAppAI / assistant

A WhatsApp chatbot that leverages Bing AI's and others LLMs conversational capabilities.
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After jailbreak chatbot says that his name is sydney even after changing assistant name #225

Closed choudhryfrompak closed 10 months ago

choudhryfrompak commented 10 months ago

Hi developers i was really delighted to see the response on the previous issue. but it is an issue related to that, when i run the bot after updating the env variables SYSTEM MESSAGE & ASSISTANT NAME. and in the chat jailbreak is turned on it says that its name is sydney instead of recalling name that i have provided to it.

choudhryfrompak commented 10 months ago

WhatsApp Image 2023-11-19 at 12 13 55 PM

here it is the screenshot of the first interaction between chatbot and user. infact the jailbreak is enabled by default but why it tells his name as sydney because i have changed its name.

choudhryfrompak commented 10 months ago

Hey Luisotee i have fixed it as a contribution. ~/assistant/src/handlers/completion.ts

`// see src/types/bing-ai-client.d.ts import type { BingAIClientResponse, SuggestedResponse, SourceAttribution, // @ts-ignore } from "@waylaidwanderer/chatgpt-api";

import { Message, MessageMedia } from "whatsapp-web.js"; import { prisma } from "../clients/prisma"; import { bing } from "../clients/bing"; import { BING_TONESTYLE, BOT_PREFIX, STREAM_REMINDERS, STREAM_RESPONSES, SYSTEM_MESSAGE, TRANSCRIPTION_ENABLED, } from "../constants"; import { createConversation, getConversationFor } from "../crud/conversation"; import { createChat, getChatFor } from "../crud/chat"; import { stripIndents } from "common-tags"; import { handleAudioMessage } from "./audio-message";

export async function getCompletionFor( message: Message, context: string, streamingReply: Message ) { let streamingReplyBody = streamingReply.body; let tokenQueue: string[] = []; let isProcessingQueue = false; let isEditingReply: Promise<Message | null>; let isReminder = false;

async function onTokenStream(token: string) { if (STREAM_RESPONSES !== "true") return; const isWebSearch = token.startsWith("Searching") && tokenQueue.length === 0; if (isWebSearch) token = ${token} ...\n\n; // Formats the web search message nicely

// Avoids reminders being shown to the user as they're being generated
if (!isReminder) isReminder = token.startsWith("{");
if (isReminder && STREAM_REMINDERS !== "true") return;


if (!isProcessingQueue) {
  isProcessingQueue = true;
  await processTokenQueue();


async function processTokenQueue() { if (tokenQueue.length !== 0) { const token = tokenQueue[0]; const newReplyContent = streamingReplyBody + token; isEditingReply = streamingReply.edit(newReplyContent); streamingReplyBody = newReplyContent;

  tokenQueue.shift(); // Removes the processed token from the queue

  await processTokenQueue(); // Continues processing the queue
} else {
  isProcessingQueue = false;


const completion = await generateCompletionFor( message, context, onTokenStream ); completion.response = removeFootnotes(completion.response);

// This is needed to make sure that the last edit to the reply is actually // the formatted completion.response, and not some random edit by the queue processing // ts-ignore is not ideal but it's what we've got for now // @ts-ignore return Promise.all([completion, isEditingReply]).then( ([completion]) => completion ); }

async function generateCompletionFor( message: Message, context: string, onProgress: (progress: string) => void ) { let completion: BingAIClientResponse;

const chat = await message.getChat(); const conversation = await getConversationFor(chat.id._serialized); const waChat = await getChatFor(chat.id._serialized); let imageBase64: string | undefined;

if (message.hasMedia) { const media = await message.downloadMedia(); const mimetype = media.mimetype;

const isImage = mimetype?.includes("image");
const isAudio = mimetype?.includes("audio");

if (isImage) imageBase64 = media.data;
if (isAudio) {
  if (TRANSCRIPTION_ENABLED === "true") {
    message.body = await handleAudioMessage(media, message);
  } else {
    // Handle the case when transcription is not enabled
    message.reply(BOT_PREFIX + "Transcription not enabled");
    throw new Error("Transcription not enabled");


if (conversation) { // If the conversation already exists completion = await bing.sendMessage(message.body, { jailbreakConversationId: waChat?.jailbroken !== false, systemMessage: SYSTEM_MESSAGE, // Include SYSTEM_MESSAGE in every completion parentMessageId: conversation.parentMessageId as string, imageBase64, toneStyle: BING_TONESTYLE, context, onProgress, }); } else { // If the conversation doesn't exist yet completion = await bing.sendMessage(message.body, { jailbreakConversationId: waChat?.jailbroken !== false, systemMessage: SYSTEM_MESSAGE, // Include SYSTEM_MESSAGE in every completion imageBase64, toneStyle: BING_TONESTYLE, context, onProgress, });

if (!waChat) await createChat(chat.id._serialized); // Creates the chat if it doesn't exist yet

await createConversation(completion, message.id.id, chat.id._serialized); // Creates the conversation }

return completion; }

export function getSuggestions(completion: BingAIClientResponse) { const suggestions = completion.details.suggestedResponses;

// All the suggested responses enumerated, eg: "Suggestions\n\n1. Suggestion 1\n2. Suggestion 2" const suggestionsList = suggestions.map( (suggestion: SuggestedResponse, i: number) => ${i + 1}. ${suggestion.text} );

return ( (suggestionsList.length && "Suggested responses:\n" + suggestionsList.join("\n")) || "" ); }

export function getSources(completion: BingAIClientResponse) { const sources = completion.details.sourceAttributions;

// All the sources enumerated, eg: "Sources\n\n1. Source 1\n2. Source 2" const sourcesList = sources.map( (source: SourceAttribution, i: number) => ${i + 1}. ${source.seeMoreUrl} );

return (sourcesList.length && "Sources:\n" + sourcesList.join("\n")) || ""; }

function removeFootnotes(text: string): string { // Use a regular expression to match and remove the "[^x^]" pattern, where x is a number. const cleanedText = text.replace(/[\^\d+\^]/g, "");

return cleanedText; }`

you can upodate your 'completion.ts' file to make it working

NOTE: the jailbreak conditions will not work after this updation. it will be always on.

choudhryfrompak commented 10 months ago

This issue is fixed somehow @Luisotee