WAppAI / assistant

A WhatsApp chatbot that leverages Bing AI's and others LLMs conversational capabilities.
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.env REPLY_TRANSCRIPTION property error #227

Closed ItzTej8 closed 7 months ago

ItzTej8 commented 7 months ago

(node:1136) ExperimentalWarning: Custom ESM Loaders is an experimental feature and might change at any time (Use node --trace-warnings ... to show where the warning was created) ALLOWED_USERS not provided. The bot will work, but will answer to everyone. Error: Invalid REPLY_TRANSCRIPTION="undefined" provided. Please check the REPLY_TRANSCRIPTION variable your .env file. at checkEnv (file:///C:/Users/HP/Desktop/assistant-2.0.1/src/helpers/utils.ts:67:19)

Luisotee commented 7 months ago

@ItzTej8 This is an error with your .env. Probably in the ALLOWED_USERS and REPLY_TRANSCRIPTION part. I would suggest you copy the .env.example files again and fill it again

ItzTej8 commented 7 months ago

REPLY_TRANSCRIPTION doesn't exist in .env.example

Luisotee commented 7 months ago

@ItzTej8 Should be fixed with #228