WAppAI / assistant

A WhatsApp chatbot that leverages Bing AI's and others LLMs conversational capabilities.
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Error executing whisper #272

Open ElliotBadinger opened 6 months ago

ElliotBadinger commented 6 months ago

when I try to send a voice note to the bot I get an error message and the console prints the following message: image

Luisotee commented 6 months ago

Is there a valid whisper model inside the models folder? And did you set correctly the name of the model that you are using in the .env file?

ElliotBadinger commented 6 months ago

here's how I set it on the .env file: image And here's how I named it from the terminal: image If it's of any consequence, I downloaded the file using the follwing command wget https://huggingface.co/ggerganov/whisper.cpp/resolve/main/ggml-large-v1.bin?download=true and renamed it to remove the download=true part using this command: mv 'ggml-large-v1.bin?download=true' ggml-large-v1.bin The model is as valid as it is in the HuggingFace site.

Luisotee commented 6 months ago

Looks fine to me, the error says the format is invalid. I would recommend you to test the whisper model alone in the terminal to see if you can make it work, you can try it by following this: https://github.com/ggerganov/whisper.cpp#quick-start

Other thing that I got when I ran the program in linux is a error that came from permissions, can't remember the error rn and I dont think it's the problem that you are getting but running chmod +x /assistant/whisper/main fixed an error that I was getting.

ElliotBadinger commented 6 months ago

I ran the model from the whisper.cpp project with the provided samples and it runs without any issues. I even changed the permissions using chmod +x but still got the same error output.