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Death Knight: Should we make Runic Power less precious? #617

Open Jihia opened 4 years ago

Jihia commented 4 years ago

It has been brought up that Death Knights are limited in the amount of Short Rest features they have, although this is a design choice that we've taken, it does bring up a good point from a discussion with Tyloris in #archives-discussion.

Should we look into changing Runic Power so that it functions as a Short Rest feature? this would give less incentive for a Death Knight to hoard their Runic Power dice and allow them to comfortably spend those dice without worrying that they might've needed them later. By making it a Short Rest feature the number of dice would need to be reduced drastically, to half or a quarter of the DK's level. A class column that states the number of dice would definitely be the smoothest approach to this.

Silverblade1234 commented 4 years ago

I'm pretty skeptical of this. In terms of effects, this would reduce the DK's ability to "smite" by reducing the pool's size, which you manage throughout a day, which something I really like. For an example:

Long Rest: If you're a level 10 DK with 11 runic power dice, and you're in a big fight and land a crit, you can safely spend 3-4 dice and know that you've got more for this fight, or you can save them for later if you need to. Spending big obviously takes away from your day's pool, but if you decide it's worth it you can, and you're not totally exhausted for this fight, or other fight's within this short rest period. But you will run out sooner or later so you've got to be careful!

Short Rest: If you're a level 10 DK with 3-4 runic power dice, and you're in a big fight, you'll probably just spend the 1 runic power die at an opportune moment, because your pool is very limited. Even if it's a high impact moment, you probably want to hold more in reserve for later this fight, or the next fight. This changes the feeling from being smite-like to being more like focus or maneuvers, something you use more constantly but to less impact in each moment.

Could it work? Sure, it's not hard to write or balance. But it changes things in a way I like less. At the end of the day, some classes are more/less short rest oriented, and that's something that contributes to all the classes feeling different and interesting.

OmNomDom308 commented 3 years ago

So this is me commenting after seeing an issue continuous issue arise in a game with a death knight, and seemed to be arising elsewhere: Runic Power dice and feeling the need to hoard/not spend them in large quantities at the fear of getting more punished than it first appeared. This mainly comes from the integration of the Runic Power dice into some pretty core mechanics of each subclass. The main issue arising is feeling like the ability to mass spend Runic Power dice without some other means of regaining RPD feels like its a trap, especially at early levels. I say this because different subclasses have mechanics that require you to spend RPD to get off. Such as the Blood DK Dark Command, or a Frost DK Obliterate. However, with the option to spend mass amounts of RPD at once , at early levels, you'd end up running out quickly. This isn't an issue if you have a vast quantity or if you do this at the end of the day, but it does if you do at the beginning, bc one decision to use a big amount of RPD, leads to none for the rest of the day. It could be comparable to a x/LR ability, its just connected to different elements of the core functions of the class and subclasses that it doesnt play well (at least, from my player the once or twice he did it). So it lead to him either never spending more than 1 dice at a time, or hoarding them all to a big encounter when he "needed" the big damage. (He compared it to a paladin, where the choice of spell slot or Smite was a choice you made per combat or instance, and how with that, it felt more binary and in his opinion, easier to gauge what would be the better choice).

Suggestions from players, and myself: 1) Either we could remove the tie to Runic Power in the subclasses at early levels, and make those abilities innate, and add in the RPD functionality later. This is kinda done with Frost, and this would just make RPD a damage dump/source early on, eliminating or at least mitigating the issue at early levels . 2) Modify the amount they currently have. Either giving more, or giving some on a SR passively. This method would assure they have some resources of it they can rely on in the long rest, and Im not sure adding a bit more will drastically affect the class' balance (altho some thing would probably need to be modified) 3) Remove or Modify how much you can spend at once with RPD, to remove the possibility till the DK has more dice. 4) This was the hot fix I run in my games to decent success: a feature called Rune Tap, where the DK can expend a spell slot as a Bonus Action to regain a number of RPD equal to the spell level. This allows the DK to get some RPD back with in class resources, while still allowing more flexibility. I originally worried this would incentivize my player to convert all his slots to RPD (a common concern with paladin players and smites) but hasnt played like that at all actually. He only uses it when hes low and need the RPD for whatever he needs, but still considers if the slot is more valuable. This is mostly due to the conversion of slots to RPD is actually not as efficient as say a paladins smite is (1d6 per slot level versus 2d8 at 1st, 1d8 more per slot level), and bc the DK already starts with some RPD. So they dont feel the need to convert unless they need to, mostly for the subclass features

Tyloris commented 3 years ago

Listing out how the current RPD ability works:

Now the abilities that use RPD:
