Closed Dirk23 closed 7 years ago
@Dirk23 yes that's fully possible.
If i where into PowerShell i could do it, but i dont know how to check the status.
@Dirk23 don't have time to look at it just now, but actually looks like someone done the work already if you check the answer Paessler KB
great idea so would happily take it in as an pull request.
I dont know how to make an pull request, but i took your PRTGSlackNotification.ps1 and changed it to the one with attachments. Well, i works, but i don't know where the value for the $ColorofState comes from!? My Messages are all without the attachment stuff.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright (c) WCOM AB 2015.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# This source code is subject to terms and conditions of the The MIT License (MIT)
# copy of the license can be found in the LICENSE file at the root of this distribution.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
$postSlackMessage = @{
token = $SlackToken;
channel = $SlackChannel;
unfurl_links = "true";
username = $sitename;
text = "> *New notification* for <$($LinkDevice)|$($Device)>"
attachments = @( @{
ts = "Timestamp: $DateTime"
fallback = "New notification for $($Device) - $($Name) is $($Status) $($Down). $($LinkDevice)"
title = "${Name}: Status $($Status) $($Down)"
title_link = $LinkSensor
color = $ColorofState
text = $Message
} )
$postSlackMessage | Out-File -FilePath slack.log
$postSlackMessage.text | Out-File -FilePath slack.log -Append
Invoke-RestMethod -Uri -Body $postSlackMessage | Out-File -FilePath slack.log -Append
As Webhook it is working much better:
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright (c) WCOM AB 2015.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# This source code is subject to terms and conditions of the The MIT License (MIT)
# copy of the license can be found in the LICENSE file at the root of this distribution.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
$postSlackMessage = @{
channel = $SlackChannel
unfurl_links = "true"
username = $SiteName
text = "> *New notification* for <$($LinkDevice)|$($Device)>"
attachments = @( @{
ts = "${[System.Math]::Truncate((Get-Date -Date (Get-Date).ToUniversalTime() -UFormat %s))}"
#pretext = "Timestamp: $DateTime"
fallback = "New notification for $($Device) - $($Name) is $($Status) $($Down). $($LinkDevice)"
title = "${Name}: Status $($Status) $($Down)"
title_link = $LinkSensor
color = $ColorofState
text = $Message
} )
} | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 2
$postSlackMessage | Out-File -FilePath slack.log
$postSlackMessage.text | Out-File -FilePath slack.log -Append
Invoke-RestMethod -Method Post -ContentType 'application/json' -Uri $SlackWebHook -Body $postSlackMessage | Out-File -FilePath slack.log -Append
i needed to modify my parameters to get the color for the Webhook to:
-SlackWebHook 'URL' -SlackChannel '#general' -SiteName '%sitename' -Device '%device' -Name '%name' -Status '%status' -Down '%down' -DateTime '%datetime' -LinkDevice '%linkdevice' -Message '%message' -ColorofState '%colorofstate' -LinkSensor '%linksensor'
issue is that the chat.postMessage doesn't take json per default. only attachments are added as an json string to an form post key called attachments
try something like
$attachments = ConvertTo-Json -Depth 2 @(@{
ts = "${[System.Math]::Truncate((Get-Date -Date (Get-Date).ToUniversalTime() -UFormat %s))}"
fallback = "New notification for $($Device) - $($Name) is $($Status) $($Down). $($LinkDevice)"
title = "${Name}: Status $($Status) $($Down)"
title_link = $LinkSensor
color = $ColorofState
text = $Message
$postSlackMessage = @{
token = $SlackToken;
channel = $SlackChannel;
unfurl_links = "true";
username = $sitename;
text = "> *New notification* for <$($LinkDevice)|$($Device)>"
attachments = $attachments
It would be very nice to have an optical way to differentiate between error, warning and ok messages from prtg. I used message attachments on an Linux Script for OTRS Ticketing to differentiate between open and closed Tickets.
Maybee it is posible to use that for your script too?