Controlled Vocabularies (CVs) for use in CMIP6Plus
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New template for user_input.json (CMOR input file) #1

Open durack1 opened 2 years ago

durack1 commented 2 years ago

The below is an example of what a new structure will look like once the changes suggested in https://github.com/PCMDI/cmor/issues/628 are realized

  1. mip-cmor-tables
  2. project_CVs
  3. user_input.json
    # Data/source_id specific
    "institution_id":               "PCMDI",  # Gone, redundant with source_id
    "source_id":                    "PCMDI-AMIP-1-1-8",
    "grid_label":                   "gn", # Gone, redundant with source_id
    "calendar":                     "gregorian", # Gone, redundant with source_id
    "license":                      "AMIP boundary condition data produced by PCMDI is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0; https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) License. The data producers and data providers make no warranty, either express or implied, including but not limited to, warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. All liabilities arising from the supply of the information (including any liability arising in negligence) are excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law.", # Gone, redundant with source_id
    "table_id":                     ""
    "variable_id":                  ""
    # CMIPx - additional entries (model specific, not relevant for input* obs*)
    "variant_label":                ""
    "*_index":                      ""
    "exp_id":                       ""
    # Runtime - data paths, user info
    "outpath":                      "/p/user_pub/climate_work/durack1",
    "table_prefix":                 "CMOR/input4MIPs-cmor-tables/Tables/",
    "CV_prefix":                    ""

    # Project - CVs repo - all obtained from the project CVs, not provided by the user
    "tracking_prefix":              "hdl:21.14100",    
    "_history_template":            "%s; CMOR rewrote data to be consistent with <activity_id>, CMIP6, and <Conventions> standards",   
    "output_path_template":         "<activity_id><mip_era><target_mip><institution_id><source_id><realm><frequency><variable_id><grid_label><version>",
    "output_file_template":         "<variable_id><activity_id><dataset_category><target_mip><source_id><grid_label>",
    "_controlled_vocabulary_file":  "CMOR/input4MIPs-cmor-tables/Tables/input4MIPs_CV.json",
    "_AXIS_ENTRY_FILE":             "CMOR/input4MIPs-cmor-tables/Tables/input4MIPs_coordinate.json",
    "_FORMULA_VAR_FILE":            "CMOR/input4MIPs-cmor-tables/Tables/input4MIPs_formula_terms.json",
    "activity_id":                  "input4MIPs"    

    # Gone - included in source_id registration
    "dataset_category":             "SSTsAndSeaIce",
    "nominal_resolution":           "1x1 degree",
    "region":                       "global_ocean",
    "source":                       "PCMDI-AMIP 1.1.8: Merged SST based on UK MetOffice HadISST and NCEP OI2",
    "contact ":                     "PCMDI (pcmdi-cmip@llnl.gov)",
    "further_info_url":             "https://pcmdi.llnl.gov/mips/amip",

matthew-mizielinski commented 2 years ago

The below is an example of what a new structure will look like once the changes suggested in PCMDI/cmor#628 are realized

  1. mip-cmor-tables

    • table files
    • coordinates
    • grids
    • formula terms
    • Additional metadata:
    • frequencies
    • calendar
    • src_type
    • institution_id
    • realm
    • realization_index
    • variant_label
    • forcing_index
    • physics_index
    • initialization_index New variables gain a flag "cf_name_pending": True, and do not have a standard_name. Once cf name approved, add to entry
  2. _project__CVs

Per Project CVs (single repo each) e.g. CMIP6Plus_CVs, CMIP6_CVs, Input4mips_CVs, obs4mips_CVs, CORDEX, …


Project to contain CVs/ DRS.json mip_era.json …

_CVs.json And our working schematic (updated [here](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1B-9RgjFs5LdNTqBJgAjQBpWkX_Tke-MTdB2gQBa1eO8/edit#slide=id.g13c36ec1824_0_0)) ![220714_mip-cmor-tables](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/3229632/179089028-07972edd-4b83-4356-a8a9-1e4d38cdb16d.png)