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source_id registration of IITM-ESM #96

Closed manmeet3591 closed 7 years ago

manmeet3591 commented 7 years ago

Label : IITM-ESM Source_id: IITM-ESM Institution_id: “CCCR-IITM” : "Centre for Climate Change Research, Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology Pune, Maharashtra 411 008, India", Release_year : 2015

full_coupled_model_id = IITM-ESM aerosol = unnamed (prescribed MAC-v2) atmosphere = GFS( 192 x 94 T62; 64 levels; top level : 0.2 mb) atmospheric_chemistry = None land_surface = Noah LSM ocean = MOM4p1(tripolar,360x200 ; 50 levels; top grid cell 5m) ocean_biogeochemistry = TOPAZ sea_ice = SIS

durack1 commented 7 years ago

@manmeet3591 I have amended your request above:

            "aerosol":"unnamed (prescribed MAC-v2)",
            "atmosphere":"GFS (192 x 94 T62; 64 levels; top level : 0.2 mb)",
            "label_extended":"IITM-ESM", (we have renamed this from full_coupled_model_id)
            "land_surface":"Noah LSM", # Is there a version number or further info
            "ocean":"MOM4p1 (tripolar,360x200 ; 50 levels; top grid cell 5m)",
            "ocean_biogeochemistry":"TOPAZ", # Is there a version number or further info

I will also register the institution_id:

"CCCR-IITM":"Centre for Climate Change Research, Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology Pune, Maharashtra 411 008, India",

Please let me know if this amended entry is suitable and if so I will process the registration

manmeet3591 commented 7 years ago

@durack1 Thanks for amending the request. It's suitable and you can process the registration.

durack1 commented 7 years ago

@manmeet3591 I am just trying to process this and was wondering if some additional details are available, particularly for the fields below?:

            "atmosphere":"GFS (192 x 94 T62; 64 levels; top level : 0.2 mb)", # Is there a version number
            "land_surface":"Noah LSM", # Is there a version number or further info
            "ocean_biogeochemistry":"TOPAZ", # Is there a version number or further info
durack1 commented 7 years ago

@manmeet3591 the latest NOAH LSM version appears to be 3.4.1, how about TOPAZ and GFS? If these details are not available, or will be finalised later we can always amend before data is written

durack1 commented 7 years ago

@manmeet3591 we can add the version information for the atmosphere, land_surface and 'ocean_biogeochemistry` later if required - for now your model information can be viewed in here

durack1 commented 7 years ago

@manmeet3591 please review the entries in CMIP6_source_id.html for accuracy, and if any revisions are required please reopen and detail the amendments in this issue

durack1 commented 7 years ago

@manmeet3591 we have augmented the fields that we are capturing in our source_idregistrations. Can you please add in the activity_participation and nominal_resolution fields missing in your IITM-ESM registration - there are some guidance notes for completing these fields found in Model_registration_template.md

durack1 commented 7 years ago

@manmeet3591 we have augmented the fields that we are capturing in our source_idregistrations. Can you please add in the activity_participation and nominal_resolution fields missing in your IITM-ESM registration - there are some guidance notes for completing these fields found in Model_registration_template.md

manmeet3591 commented 7 years ago

@durack1 The activity_participation is "CMIP6 DECK and historic simulation" and the nominal_resolution is Atmosphere (T62) and Ocean (~1deg tripolar)

durack1 commented 7 years ago

@manmeet3591 thanks - so to confirm:

                    "description":"unnamed (prescribed MAC-v2)",
                    "nominal_resolution":"250 km"
                    "description":"GFS (T62; 192 x 94 longitude/latitude; 64 levels; top level 0.2 mb)",
                    "nominal_resolution":"250 km"
                    "description":"NOAH LSM",
                    "nominal_resolution":"250 km"
                    "description":"MOM4p1 (tripolar ~1degree; 360 x 200 longitude/latitude; 50 levels; top grid cell 0-10 m)",
                    "nominal_resolution":"100 km"
                    "nominal_resolution":"100 km"
                    "nominal_resolution":"100 km"

Is correct?

durack1 commented 7 years ago

@manmeet3591 while you are considering this - it would also be useful to include version info for the components - so GFS v?, NOAH LSM v?, TOPAZ v?, SIS v?

manmeet3591 commented 7 years ago

@durack1 Please find the final details

                "description":"prescribed MAC-v2",
                "description":"IITM-GFSv1 (T62L64 Linearly Reduced Gaussian Grid; 192 x 94 longitude/latitude; 64 )",
                "description":"NOAH LSMv2.7.1",
                "description":"(MOM4p1; tripolar primarily 1deg, 360 x 200 longitude/latitude; 50 levels; top grid cell 0-10m)",
                "description":"TOPAZ 2.0",
                "description":"SIS 1.0",
durack1 commented 7 years ago

Thanks @manmeet3591 your model registration is revised, take a look at CMIP6_source_id.html and let me know if any further changes are required

durack1 commented 6 years ago

@manmeet3591 we noted a formatting inconsistency with the aerosol, atmos and land nominal_resolution values for IITM-ESM, and have now corrected this. Please check your complete model registration details in CMIP6_source_id.html and get back to me with any further tweaks required.

For reference, this issue was caught and resolved in WCRP-CMIP/CMIP6_CVs#466