Controlled Vocabularies (CVs) for use in CMIP6
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New "CovidMIP" experiments proposed under DAMIP activity_id #973

Closed durack1 closed 3 years ago

durack1 commented 3 years ago

A series of new experiments focused on changes throughout the COVID shutdown has been requested. The path forward to this is that 4 (see below) experiments will be registered under the existing DAMIP activity_id, to facilitate prompt publication for use in the IPCC AR6 report, and subsequently, on a far longer timeline (as yet undefined) ~8 additional experiments will likely be published at a later stage, potentially under a new mip_era (not CMIP6):

exp_id act_id exp tier sub-exp parent exp_id req mod components addi components start yr end yr min num yrs parent act_id description
ssp245-covid DAMIP 2-year blip 2 none ssp245 AOGCM AER, CHEM, BGC 2020 2024 or 2050 5 ScenarioMIP Future scenario based on ssp245, but with 2-year perturbation to emissions for 2020 and 2021 due to Covid-19 pandemic restrictions. Emissions revert to ssp245 after this. Concentration-driven
ssp245-cov-strgreen DAMIP strong green stimulus 2 none ssp245 AOGCM AER, CHEM, BGC 2020 2050 31 ScenarioMIP Future scenario based on ssp245, but following a path of reduced emissions due to a strong-green stimulus economic recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic restrictions. Concentration-driven
ssp245-cov-modgreen DAMIP moderate green stimulus 3 none ssp245 AOGCM AER, CHEM, BGC 2020 2050 31 ScenarioMIP Future scenario based on ssp245, but following a path of reduced emissions due to a moderate-green stimulus economic recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic restrictions. Concentration-driven
ssp245-cov-fossil DAMIP fossil-fuel rebound 3 none ssp245 AOGCM AER, CHEM, BGC 2020 2050 31 ScenarioMIP Future scenario based on ssp245, but following a path of increased emissions due to a fossil-fuel rebound economic recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic restrictions. Concentration-driven

@matthew-mizielinski @martinjuckes @MartinaSt @taylor13 @charliepascoe @momipsl @glevava @davidhassell

If anyone else needs to be in this loop, please ping them on this issue

Source information is available from the google doc

slavakharin commented 3 years ago

I propose to add 2 more single-forcing experiments to the 4 experiments listed above

exp_id act_id exp tier sub-exp parent exp_id req mod components addi components start yr end yr min num yrs parent act_id description
ssp245-cov-aer DAMIP 2-year blip anthropogenic aerosols-only 3 none ssp245 AOGCM AER, CHEM,BGC 2020 2024 or 2050 5 ScenarioMIP Detection and attribution experiment: aerosol-only run based on ssp245-covid, with 2-year perturbation to emissions for 2020 and 2021 due to Covid-19 pandemic restrictions. Concentration-driven
ssp245-cov-GHG DAMIP 2-year blip well-mixed GHG-only 3 none ssp245 AOGCM AER, CHEM,BGC 2020 2024 or 2050 5 ScenarioMIP Detection and attribution experiment: well-mixed GHG-only run based on ssp245-covid, with 2-year perturbation to emissions for 2020 and 2021 due to Covid-19 pandemic restrictions. Concentration-driven
ChrisJones-MOHC commented 3 years ago

for background we have 12 model groups committed to do these simulaitons. Details of protocol and aprticipation here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Uj0aVoS-LIi0eBU7tuWyfultuAu8tfkX/view?usp=sharing https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1PsmQz8v4YcYelnITtBVz5_-YP-cnnVZDi1g-nuEig84/edit?usp=sharing

I support Slava's request to include the 2 additional D&A runs in this. We have 6 further ERF/fixed-SST runs which we can defer to later mip_era

thanks, Chris

matthew-mizielinski commented 3 years ago

@durack1, I've put together some code here that you could pick up to add all six of these experiments in, along with the resulting dictionary entries that would appear in CMIP6_experiment_id.json.

@ChrisJones-MOHC, @slavakharin, As the experiment field is the one that ends up in the file metadata I have expanded the corresponding text to make it a little more verbose than in the tables above, but shorter than the description fields. For comparison see the entry for ssp245 here. If you would prefer the original text, or the full description, please comment and I'll make the corresponding change.

durack1 commented 3 years ago

@matthew-mizielinski very helpful thanks. To be honest, it might be high time that we diversify our contributor base on this. The versioning is managed by the src/writeJson.py script in this repo, so I normally just edit entries and run that script (which updates all the html/md versions etc), would you like to try cloning the latest version and seeing if you can get it to work for you? If yes, submit a PR and we can double check and then merge and tag (which is the manual part).

ChrisJones-MOHC commented 3 years ago

@matthew-mizielinski - I'm happy with that description text. thanks

matthew-mizielinski commented 3 years ago

@matthew-mizielinski very helpful thanks. To be honest, it might be high time that we diversify our contributor base on this. The versioning is managed by the src/writeJson.py script in this repo, so I normally just edit entries and run that script (which updates all the html/md versions etc), would you like to try cloning the latest version and seeing if you can get it to work for you? If yes, submit a PR and we can double check and then merge and tag (which is the manual part).

Good idea -- See #974

slavakharin commented 3 years ago

@matthew-mizielinski @durack1 Please change ssp245-cov-ghg to ssp245-cov-GHG to be consistent with capital notation GHG for DAMIP experiments.

matthew-mizielinski commented 3 years ago

@matthew-mizielinski @durack1 Please change ssp245-cov-ghg to ssp245-cov-GHG to be consistent with capital notation GHG for DAMIP experiments.

Done. Thanks for identifying this @slavakharin.

durack1 commented 3 years ago

The 6 new experiments are now defined and can be viewed at CMIP6_experiment_id.html, this takes the total experiment number to 322.

I will leave this issue open waiting for feedback from @martinjuckes (Data Request) and @charlottepascoe (ES-DOCs) to make sure that all the CMIP6 infrastructure is updated to reflect the updated experiment count. @martinjuckes and @charlottepascoe please ping us here when you have made your changes and this issue will be closed

charliepascoe commented 3 years ago

Who are the PIs for these experiments?

taylor13 commented 3 years ago

Not sure, but Chris Jones (@ChrisJones-MOHC ) seems to be one. Perhaps he can tell us. (Also note: https://github.com/WCRP-CMIP/CMIP6_CVs/issues/973#issuecomment-713412542 provides some experiment details).

MartinaSt commented 3 years ago

@charliepascoe There is a google folder for the covid-MIP coordination, where you can find a spreadsheet containing information on the participants: Please contact @ChrisJones-MOHC or @MartinaSt for location of spreadsheet. (I'm not sure the folder is supposed to be shared with all. )

durack1 commented 3 years ago

@martinjuckes and @charliepascoe just checking to see whether your CMIP6 Data Request and ES-DOCs have been updated to reflect these new registered experiments, if yes, I will close this issue

durack1 commented 3 years ago

New experiments exist on ES-DOCs and the latest 01.00.33 CMIP6 Data Request release (see the old 01.00.31 which needs a refresh), so will close this issue