WCRP-CORDEX / domain-tables

Grid information of CORDEX domains in machine readable format.
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New Cordex domain (#1) Arctic (possibly named as ARC-11) #14

Open berg0138 opened 4 hours ago

berg0138 commented 4 hours ago

Hi Jesus / github managers. In fall 2023, two new polar Cordex domains have been approved. These domains, however, have not reached this github repository. The new Arctic domain specifications are:

For the Arctic: A) For rotated polar RCMs (in rotated coordinates): Rotated Pole: 0.0; 6.55: (which is similar to the current domain) nlon = 577 nlat = 582 west = -29.900 south = -24.200 east = 27.700 north = 33.900 dx of 0.1 degrees (11 km - which is deviating from most CORDEX domains) The southern, eastern, and northern boundaries are near similar to the existing ARC12 and ARC50 domains, but the western boundary is moved 7 degrees further over Russia.

B) For non-rotated polar RCMs (in actual coordinates): TLC lon/lat: 41.236 51.120 CNB lon/lat: 1.986 62.631 TRC lon/lat: 320.634 52.534 CWB lon/lat: 91.777 60.200 CPD lon/lat: 147.918 87.936 CEB lon/lat: 267.835 62.384 BLC lon/lat: 137.572 47.629 CSB lon/lat: 178.038 59.231 BRC lon/lat: 220.333 49.074

Please contact Annette Rinke (annette.rinke@awi.de) or one of the other Polar CORDEX POCs for confirmation if needed.

gnikulin commented 3 hours ago

Yes, I've got updated configuration for both Arctic and Antarctica domains from Annette but only actual coordinates (non-rotated ones) have been updated in https://github.com/WCRP-CORDEX/domain-tables/blob/main/CORDEX-CMIP6_domain_boundaries.csv I think updating the rotated coordinates is still pending.

Willem Jan, could you also provide the updated rotated coordinates for Antarctica ?

Regarding the domain acronym (ARC-12 or ARC-11), the CORDEX-CMIP6 archiving specs define that "The domain acronym is ‘domain name’-‘resolution’, where ‘resolution’ is the nearest grid spacing in km of the 3 resolutions used in CORDEX-CMIP5 and CORDEX-CMIP6 (50,25 and 12km)."

berg0138 commented 3 hours ago

Hi Nikulin, I can provide the data you need for this domain table - that was also where I saw that the information was missing. For the Arctic domain, this information is actually in the issue ticket I created. Concerning to the resolution: Do I understand correctly that ANT-12 and ARC-12 can be used, even though the intended resolution is 0.1 degree and not the usual 0.11 degree?

larsbuntemeyer commented 1 hour ago

@berg0138 Thanks for the infos! Just a quick question here: Are these new definitions supposed to replace the old definitions, should https://github.com/WCRP-CORDEX/domain-tables/blob/2bf814ba544cc975154023bf75b4ecc810d72bb8/CORDEX-CMIP5_rotated_grids.csv#L26 be replaced with the new domain for CMIP6? Or is this a completely new domain? If it's a new domain, it would be good to find a different domain_id to avoid conflicts! If it's supposed to replaced in CMIP6, we would just replace it in a new CORDEX-CMIP6_rotated_grids.csvfile (which i have been lazy to create yet)...