WCRP-CORDEX / simulation-status

CORDEX simulation status
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UDAG ICON-CLM simulations #11

Closed jesusff closed 5 months ago

jesusff commented 5 months ago

Clarifications from C. Steger:

In the CLM Community we have already decided that the UDAG runs will be ones that go intro the balanced matrix. The NUKLEUS runs do e.g. not have transient aerosol. The name of the configuration in the end will not be UDAG but something like C2IXXX. We have also not decided about the institution yet. Suggestions are CLMcom-UDAG, CLMcom-UDAG-DWD or KIT or BTU .. and CLMcom-DWD or KIT or BTU (as we had later in CMIP5). But what is certain, is that the UDAG runs plus the simulations with NorESM2-MM by Adam and with CMCC-CM2-SR5 by Heimo and CMCC colleagues will be ones for the balanced matrix.

jesusff commented 5 months ago

@csteger, is this run still planned (this is duplicated as DWD and UDAG)? Would it be with the NUKLEUS version? https://github.com/WCRP-CORDEX/simulation-status/blob/3bbfa183f879546701a31b7a51fce319671e5a25/CMIP6_downscaling_plans.csv#L228 Or is it just a left over in the file (it also appears in the google doc)?

csteger commented 5 months ago

Yes this is a left over. This run will be done in UDAG. I have deleted it in the google doc.