WCU-CS-CooperLab / demo-games-GThompson2022

csc476f24-demo-games-GamePublish created by GitHub Classroom
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Feedback #1

Open DavidCooperWCU opened 1 week ago

DavidCooperWCU commented 1 week ago

It looks like you have been trying to use the web interface to upload changes to demo-games.

This will not work due to the size of some of the files. You'll need to clone the repository to your local computer, and then commit locally, and push to GitHub.

You can either use the GitHub CLI application or GitHub Desktop to do this. Please see slide 32 from the first day that shows where to click to initiate this process. (you can do either the GitHub CLI or GitHub Desktop. You don't need both.)

In your README.md file, you should use the relative path to the directory instead of the index.html file. Also, the directory is just called Player_Scene. There currently is no directory called Player_Scene_08_30.

GThompson2022 commented 1 week ago

Okay, I will give that a try, I have cloned a repository on my local computer, but I think I messed up with the local commit and the push to GitHub. Thank you!