WDCommunity / wdpksrc

Cross compilation framework to create native packages for the Western Digital My Cloud
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
218 stars 54 forks source link

Add Transmission with sequential download #63

Open bahusoid opened 3 years ago

bahusoid commented 3 years ago

Can you please add transmission-seq package for transmission with sequential download feature? This feature allows to start watching movie while it's still downloading

Sources available here: https://github.com/Mikayex/transmission

Compiled binaries for OS3 and WD MyCloud Gen2 here

stefaang commented 3 years ago

I'm not familiar with this branch / feature, I'll invite you to build it yourself. Here's some pointers:

Feel free to ask questions in this thread.

bahusoid commented 3 years ago

I'm not familiar with this branch / feature

It allows to watch movie while it's still downloading (as content is downloaded sequentially)

I'm not able to setup dev env at the moment. But will try later... I see you tried to add Git Hub action - it would actually be very cool if packages can be generated by Git Hub action. Though it seems it's not functional as it throws the following error:

make: *** No rule to make target 'apkg-wdarm'. Stop.

Pity... Anyway thanks for pointers.

bahusoid commented 3 years ago

@stefaang I tried to build package using Docker on Windows.

docker run -it -v e:/Git/spksrc:/spksrc synocommunity/spksrc /bin/bash
cd  spk/transmission/
make apkg-wdarm

And it fails with some checksum error:

===>  Building WD binary package for wdarm
make[1]: Entering directory '/spksrc/spk/transmission'
===>  Set up toolchain
===>    Downloading files for syno-wdarm
wget https://dl.bintray.com/tfl/wdpksrc/armv7-marvell-linux-gnueabi-softfp_i686_64K_Dev_20131002.tar.gz
2020-11-28 04:21:28 URL:https://d29vzk4ow07wi7.cloudfront.net/1e868458f4269992f9c8e259e68ae6253d1bd31cb8f1302e0b9807c04115cd22?response-content-disposition=attachment%3Bfilename%3D%22armv7-marvell-linux-gnueabi-softfp_i686_64K_Dev_20131002.tar.gz%22&Policy=eyJTdGF0ZW1lbnQiOiBbeyJSZXNvdXJjZSI6Imh0dHAqOi8vZDI5dnprNG93MDd3aTcuY2xvdWRmcm9udC5uZXQvMWU4Njg0NThmNDI2OTk5MmY5YzhlMjU5ZTY4YWU2MjUzZDFiZDMxY2I4ZjEzMDJlMGI5ODA3YzA0MTE1Y2QyMj9yZXNwb25zZS1jb250ZW50LWRpc3Bvc2l0aW9uPWF0dGFjaG1lbnQlM0JmaWxlbmFtZSUzRCUyMmFybXY3LW1hcnZlbGwtbGludXgtZ251ZWFiaS1zb2Z0ZnBfaTY4Nl82NEtfRGV2XzIwMTMxMDAyLnRhci5neiUyMiIsIkNvbmRpdGlvbiI6eyJEYXRlTGVzc1RoYW4iOnsiQVdTOkVwb2NoVGltZSI6MTYwNjUzNzk5N30sIklwQWRkcmVzcyI6eyJBV1M6U291cmNlSXAiOiIwLjAuMC4wLzAifX19XX0_&Signature=kdpShDRBbSDSa5pWSk66aF6bQ7C5DSJYk7pYJnE~lNmK9AEA6eH49Ny36TZ4BA9HSHU3gAkO2UwnZ3YRyj~wEUMquRpB2~6WusDL2mJtn0ehfUMuL19oEtvPWD0IS1mtnxlL~HTgkFp-feT5v6OQ3zRsuAfDGaG-fbKKIDSLan8jM3G1wieyMSe1~7jIZimS20ikqHuNYq7oPfUjMVxUvIzv5xz3dTlPgXU52TsPp~I2y-01cbq7l~ej8RhmP83ST2XFemrOsGot6cziz7plQZz0h-xstCaAF93zT3cosD3FQv4Sn-hkrbCREheJQgamQxwVyoDZCelBI4HTI5bUeA__&Key-Pair-Id=APKAIFKFWOMXM2UMTSFA [79588318/79588318] -> "armv7-marvell-linux-gnueabi-softfp_i686_64K_Dev_20131002.tar.gz.part" [1]
===>    Verifying files for syno-wdarm
===>      Checking sha1sum of file armv7-marvell-linux-gnueabi-softfp_i686_64K_Dev_20131002.tar.gz
sha1sum: 'standard input': no properly formatted SHA1 checksum lines found
===>        Wrong sha1sum for file armv7-marvell-linux-gnueabi-softfp_i686_64K_Dev_20131002.tar.gz
===>        Renamed as armv7-marvell-linux-gnueabi-softfp_i686_64K_Dev_20131002.tar.gz.wrong
===>        Download cookie removed to trigger the download again
make[2]: *** [../../mk/spksrc.checksum.mk:42: checksum_target] Error 1
/spksrc/spk/transmission/work-wdarm-6.1/tc_vars.mk:1: *** An error occured while setting up the toolchain, please check the messages above.  Stop.

Any ideas how to fix it?

bahusoid commented 3 years ago

it fails with some checksum error

Ok I got it. It's git autocrlf setting to blame

bahusoid commented 3 years ago

If anyone else is interested I was able to compile transmission 2.94 with sequential download patch: transmission-seq_2.94.zip