Open LibrErli opened 4 years ago
For the upcoming German fully remote library conference #vBIB20 the metadata about all presentations are stored in Wikidata: Query
The scholia page on the event ( doesn't recognize any of them. Would be a good idea to add a list of presentations on an event page?
SELECT ?vBIB20 ?vBIB20Label (GROUP_CONCAT(?author_label; separator=" ; ") AS ?autor) WHERE { SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". } ?vBIB20 wdt:P361 wd:Q94495218. OPTIONAL { ?vBIB20 wdt:P50 ?author. ?author rdfs:label ?author_label. FILTER(LANG(?author_label)="en"). } } GROUP BY ?vBIB20 ?vBIB20Label
@LibrErli, is this issue still open? I note:
For the upcoming German fully remote library conference #vBIB20 the metadata about all presentations are stored in Wikidata: Query
The scholia page on the event ( doesn't recognize any of them. Would be a good idea to add a list of presentations on an event page?