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Count all unique items with a P31 #2382

Closed egonw closed 8 months ago

egonw commented 8 months ago

Hi Finn, this is a question if an enhancement list this makes sense. It's doesn't seem to slow down the query and answers the worry that articles are the major part of the Wikidata items.

fnielsen commented 8 months ago

Is the description correct? What is a Thing? Couldn't a Thing be a class without P31? Why not "instances"?

egonw commented 8 months ago

Yeah, I like the idea of "Number of instances"!

fnielsen commented 8 months ago

I merge it anyway :)

egonw commented 8 months ago

I merge it anyway :)

As gatekeeper, that's totally up to you :)

PS. happy to see you like the idea and thanks for merging!

fnielsen commented 8 months ago

What is owl:Thing anyway? Would that be every item in Wikidata?

egonw commented 8 months ago

"thing" even goes deeper, all the way to RDF, see https://www.w3.org/TR/rdf11-concepts/#resources-and-statements