WDscholia / scholia

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Impact of Wikidata Graph Split on Scholia #2522

Open HelsKRW opened 3 months ago

HelsKRW commented 3 months ago

Hi, I wondered if there was any information about the impact of the Wikidata Graph Split on Scholia pages and queries? I am exploring the benefits of Wikidata for making research outputs more widely discoverable and accessible, and would be relying on Scholia and the links it makes between individuals, institutions, topics and research outputs - but my technical Wikidata knowledge is limited and I'm wondering whether the data being split across 2 graphs will make this impossible.
Thanks Helen

fnielsen commented 3 months ago

The Wikidata Graph Split will fundamentally affects Scholia and we need to rewrite a great part of the queries. As far as we can see, we will probably be able to implement queries, - they will just be more complex. Some of the very complex and time-consuming queries might time out. We have a small experiment at Synia, see https://synia.toolforge.org/#author/Q20980928 "Recent publications from experimental scholarly endpoint"

HelsKRW commented 3 months ago

Thank you for your helpful response. It may be too early to say, but do you think that the Scholia queries will be rewritten within the transition period referred to here https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Wikidata:Report_a_technical_problem/WDQS_and_Search#c-DCausse_(WMF)-20240702081900-HelsKRW-20240701090400 I am wondering whether to press ahead with a piece of work that will rely on Scholia or whether I need to put it on hold.
I appreciate that there are too many unknowns to answer my question at this stage.
Thanks again Best wishes Helen

fnielsen commented 2 months ago

Six months should be ok.

HelsKRW commented 2 months ago

Thanks for the update

WolfgangFahl commented 2 months ago

@HelsKRW you might want to get in touch with me and my work on the query rot issue that is happening here. Scholia is a usecase i am investigating and offering solutions for. See http://snapque ry.bitplan.com/ domain scolia.toolforge.org, namespace named_queries Example Query e.g http://snapquery.bitplan.com/query/scholia.toolforge.org/named_queries/author_list-of-publications with Q80 Tim Berners Lee as an example parameter. Will work on wikidata endpoint and wikidata-scatter but e.g. not on QLever at this time - we intend to make queries such as this one work on multiple wikidata endpoints by hiding the technical details.