WDscholia / scholia

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Topics worked on by co-authors #83

Open Daniel-Mietchen opened 7 years ago

Daniel-Mietchen commented 7 years ago

This is a follow-up on #82 and provides an impression of how interdisciplinary the collaborations of the target author are.

Example for Thomas C. Südhof (Q97270):

SELECT DISTINCT ?topic2 ?topic2Label (COUNT(DISTINCT ?work2) AS ?count) #?work2 ?work2Label #?date 
#(GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ?author2Label; separator=", ") AS ?authorLabels) 
#(GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ?topic2Label; separator=", ") AS ?topicLabels) 
  ?work wdt:P50 wd:Q97270 .
  ?work wdt:P50 ?author1 .
  ?work wdt:P50 ?author2 .
  VALUES ?publication_type { wd:Q13442814 wd:Q571 wd:Q26973022}  # journal and conference articles, books, not (yet?) software
  ?work2 wdt:P31 ?publication_type ;
         wdt:P50 ?author2 ;
         wdt:P921 ?topic2 .
  MINUS { ?work2 wdt:P50 wd:Q97270 } .
#  OPTIONAL { ?work2 wdt:P921 ?topic2 } .
#  ?author2 rdfs:label ?author2Label . filter (lang(?author2Label) = 'en')
  ?topic2 rdfs:label ?topic2Label . filter (lang(?topic2Label) = 'en')
#  ?work2 rdfs:label ?work2Label . filter (lang(?work2Label) = 'en')
} GROUP BY ?topic2 ?topic2Label #?work2 ?work2Label #?date 
ORDER BY DESC (?count)

#LIMIT 200
Daniel-Mietchen commented 3 years ago

Perhaps this could be split into