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Wikidata-based scholarly profiles
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In venue aspect, add a co-author graph #922

Closed Daniel-Mietchen closed 4 years ago

Daniel-Mietchen commented 4 years ago

Similar to the one we have for organizations (example).

Problem, as usual: performance, e.g. as per this example for PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases, so we should perhaps filter in some way, e.g. for the most prolific authors, as we do in topic profiles (example).

Daniel-Mietchen commented 4 years ago

Here is a version with the same kind of filtering that we do for the topic profile:

SELECT ?author1 ?author1Label ?rgb ?author2 ?author2Label
  # Find works published in the given venue
  SELECT ?work WHERE {
    ?work wdt:P1433 wd:Q3359737 .
} AS %works
  # Limit the number of authors
  SELECT (COUNT(?work) AS ?count) ?author1 WHERE {
    INCLUDE %works
    ?work wdt:P50 ?author1 .
  GROUP BY ?author1
  ORDER BY DESC(?count)
  LIMIT 25
} AS %authors
  INCLUDE %works
  INCLUDE %authors
  ?work wdt:P50 ?author1 , ?author2 .
  FILTER (?author1 != ?author2) 
  OPTIONAL { ?author1 wdt:P21 ?gender1 . }
  BIND( IF(?gender1 = wd:Q6581097, "3182BD", "E6550D") AS ?rgb)
  SERVICE wikibase:label {
    bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en,fr,de,ru,es,zh,jp".
Daniel-Mietchen commented 4 years ago

Taking into account the recent streamlining of the co-author query for topics, here is an adaptation for venues:

SELECT ?author1 ?author1Label ?rgb ?author2 ?author2Label
  # Find works published in the given venue
  SELECT ?work WHERE {
    ?work wdt:P1433 wd:Q3359737 .
} AS %works
  # Limit the number of authors
  SELECT (COUNT(?work) AS ?count1) ?author1 WHERE {
    INCLUDE %works
    ?work wdt:P50 ?author1 .
  GROUP BY ?author1
  ORDER BY DESC(?count1)
  LIMIT 25
} AS %authors1
  # Limit the number of coauthors
  SELECT DISTINCT ?author2 ?author1  (COUNT(?work) AS ?count2)  WHERE {
    INCLUDE %works
    INCLUDE %authors1
    ?work wdt:P50 ?author1 , ?author2 .
    FILTER (?author1 != ?author2) 
  GROUP BY ?author2 ?author1 
  ORDER BY DESC(?count2)
  LIMIT 250
} AS %authors2
#  INCLUDE %authors1
  INCLUDE %authors2
  OPTIONAL { ?author1 wdt:P21 ?gender1 . }
  BIND( IF(?gender1 = wd:Q6581097, "3182BD", "E6550D") AS ?rgb)
  SERVICE wikibase:label {
    bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en,fr,de,ru,es,zh,jp".
Daniel-Mietchen commented 4 years ago

The above times out for PLOS ONE (Q564954), but reducing the LIMITs to 15 and 150 works:

SELECT ?author1 ?author1Label ?rgb ?author2 ?author2Label
  # Find works published in the given venue
  SELECT ?work WHERE {
    ?work wdt:P1433 wd:Q564954 .
} AS %works
  # Limit the number of authors
  SELECT (COUNT(?work) AS ?count1) ?author1 WHERE {
    INCLUDE %works
    ?work wdt:P50 ?author1 .
  GROUP BY ?author1
  ORDER BY DESC(?count1)
  LIMIT 15
} AS %authors1
  # Limit the number of coauthors
  SELECT DISTINCT ?author2 ?author1  (COUNT(?work) AS ?count2)  WHERE {
    INCLUDE %works
    INCLUDE %authors1
    ?work wdt:P50 ?author1 , ?author2 .
    FILTER (?author1 != ?author2) 
  GROUP BY ?author2 ?author1 
  ORDER BY DESC(?count2)
  LIMIT 150
} AS %authors2
#  INCLUDE %authors1
  INCLUDE %authors2
  OPTIONAL { ?author1 wdt:P21 ?gender1 . }
  BIND( IF(?gender1 = wd:Q6581097, "3182BD", "E6550D") AS ?rgb)
  SERVICE wikibase:label {
    bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en,fr,de,ru,es,zh,jp".