WE2BS / openerp-rent

This OpenERP6 module manages the leasing of products to partners.
GNU General Public License v3.0
17 stars 10 forks source link

Rent invoice times out #13

Closed catinga closed 13 years ago

catinga commented 13 years ago

It seems that all invoices created by the Rent module that have a status other then paid time out when you call the "invoice" report.

This happens all the time.

thibautd commented 13 years ago

OpenERP Rent doesn't redefine anything in the invoice report. This is a very strange issue. Could you provide more informations if you have any ?

catinga commented 13 years ago


I had just found out the solution to this non-bug before you repply arriving. The problem was on some other module where a test for a variable would go wrong whenever the variable was empty. For one of those coincidences that may drive you mad, this only happened with the invoices created by Rent that didn't have a "paid" status.

Spent a couple of days trying to figure this bloody thing out... :(
