WEB290-2015 / webdevcapstone

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JCCC Resources FAQ additional #70

Open SuiteMel opened 9 years ago

SuiteMel commented 9 years ago

Help Desk for Technical Support - includes JCCC Password reset button and hours http://www.jccc.edu/student-resources/technical-support/index.html#.VUq1-iFVhBc

MyJCCC Help http://www.jccc.edu/student-resources/technical-support/login-myjccc.html#.VUqxGiFVhBc

Student Email Help http://www.jccc.edu/student-resources/technical-support/student-email.html#.VUqxTyFVhBc

Wifi Access http://www.jccc.edu/student-resources/technical-support/wireless-network.html#.VUqxXyFVhBc

Student Server Help http://www.jccc.edu/student-resources/technical-support/student-server.html#.VUqxdCFVhBc

Getting Office 365 free http://www.jccc.edu/student-resources/technical-support/office-365-student-advantage.html#.VUqxqCFVhBc

Labs http://www.jccc.edu/student-resources/campus-life/computer-labs/index.html#.VUqx6CFVhBc -needs to include more of the Reigner Center labs not listed.

Computer related majors - access to course descriptions and catalogs for electives? Also so that students can be sure they want to go the Web Tech and Interactive Design route. http://www.jccc.edu/academics/computers/index.html

jccc-dn commented 9 years ago

RC374 is CDTP, CWEB & CPCA Courses Lab 1 RC376 is CDTP, CWEB & CPCA Courses Lab 2