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Getting Stories of the Land exhibit on demo #2765

Closed ekemeyer closed 1 month ago

ekemeyer commented 2 months ago


Note that I've already talked to Henry about this: I have a draft of the exhibit Stories of the Land in GitHub: branch = stories-of-the-land. The exhibit should be ready to go to demo, except

1) there are embedded audio/video files with captions underneath. To code those, I modified the code used in the "History of the Peabody Awards" page of the Peabody exhibit; however, I wasn't sure how to add captions underneath the embedded files, because the Peabody exhibit doesn't have these.

2) The author includes hyperlinked text in captions (some are hyperlinks to different pages of the exhibit). Is this possible to do?

3) There is a lot of interlinking between pages and subsections of pages. I think I coded this correctly, but I think this is the first exhibit that's done this, so we'll see if it works.

Alan would really like to see the exhibit in demo next week (May 6-10) but if that's not possible, I can let him know. Thanks!

Submitted by: Michelle Kelley CC in communications: Priority: High (within the week) URL: Slack message thread:

ekemeyer commented 1 month ago

Now on demo