Piloting an ingest of ~150 videos with Rebecca from WHDH in advance of our work with Northeast Historic Film - they will be sending around ~8000 new videos for WCVB over the course of 2025.
[ ] Create docker container to allow for local testing(not possible)
[x] Rebecca maps csv to PBCore
[x] Rebecca adds one pbcore record to existing .xml document in S3
[x] Rebecca adds 1 thumbnail and video into S3
[x] Ingest.sh is run to test if whdh collection sucks up new record + assets
[ ] Repeat ingest.sh with increasingly more records added to .xml document
Piloting an ingest of ~150 videos with Rebecca from WHDH in advance of our work with Northeast Historic Film - they will be sending around ~8000 new videos for WCVB over the course of 2025.