WGBH / PBCore2.0

Public Broadcasting Metadata Dictionary Project
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Metadata Registry lists wrong URI for vocabs #50

Open caseyedavis12 opened 10 years ago

caseyedavis12 commented 10 years ago

My understanding is we are using metadataregistry.org as the authority source for the controlled vocabularies; however, the metadataregistry.org site contains URIs for vocabulary values pointing to 404 pages on pbcore.org.


The pbcoreAssetType example on the PBCore website contains a URI in the @ref attribute pointing to the page on the metadata registry site for the pbcoreAssetType controlled vocab value "Story."


The page on the metadata registry site for the pbcoreAssetType controlled vocab value "Story" lists this as the correct URI: http://pbcore.org/vocabularies/pbcoreAssetType#program. If you visit this URL, you will be directed to a 404 page on the PBCore website.