WGBH / PBCore2.0

Public Broadcasting Metadata Dictionary Project
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URI for controlled vocabularies #59

Open caseyedavis12 opened 10 years ago

caseyedavis12 commented 10 years ago

URIs for controlled vocabularies, hosted on Open Metadata Registry, currently point to "404 not found" pages on the PBCore website. Here is an example: http://metadataregistry.org/concept/show/id/2394.html.

On the PBCore website, current xml element examples include URIs in the @ref attribute pointing to the Metadata Registry Website, not to the URI listed on the Metadata registry website. Example:

<pbcoreGenre source="PBCore pbcoreGenre" ref="http://metadataregistry.org/concept/show/id/2449.html">History</pbcoreGenre>

Does the PBCore Advisory Group trust the long-term persistence of the metadata registry website? Or do we want PBCore controlled vocabularies hosted on the PBCore website?

If we trust the persistence of the Metadata Registry website, we need to update each controlled vocabulary on the Metadata Registry website to contain the accurate URI, e.g. ref="http://metadataregistry.org/concept/show/id/2394.html" instead of ref="http://pbcore.org/vocabularies/pbcoreGenre#actuality"

If we do not trust the persistence of the Metadata Registry website and decide that we should instead host contextual information about our controlled vocabularies on our own PBCore website, then we need to migrate our vocabularies to the new PBCore website.

GlennClatworthy commented 10 years ago

One of my to-do items as I redevelop the PBS topic keyword list into a SKOS vocabulary is to research sites like Purl.org and w3id.org, which support permanent identifiers for linked data collections that may shift domains over time. I think that's preferable to hosting everything on a PBCore website, which will only persist as long as funding does.

laurensorensen commented 10 years ago

I like the idea of researching hosting of our vocabularies on research sites like purl.org and w3id.org - maybe it would be useful to speak with the host of the current metadata registry where vocabs are hosted now to see what she recommends about pointing URIs to a domain and which domain she would recommend.

anayram commented 4 years ago


We are using the PBCoreGenre for one of our repositories at the University of Alberta and we are wondering if there are any news on this ticket as there seem to be four different URIs referenced in various PBCore documents / examples / RDF. Can you point to which URI to use?

The examples below all refer to 'History' as genre term.

Two resources use URIs in the metadataregistry.org domain: Examples offered in PBCore's main website documentation use: http://metadataregistry.org/concept/show/id/2449

While this other version of the documentation hosted at https://sroosa.github.io uses: http://metadataregistry.org/concept/show/id/2449.html

Other two URIs are used in the Metadata Registry itself and are in the pbcore.org domain: http://pbcore.org/vocabularies/pbcoreGenre#history and http://pbcore.org/vocabularies/pbcoreGenre%23history although the RDF hosted by Metadata Registry (see below)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"?>

<!-- NOTICE: This is a single-concept fragment -->

<!-- Scheme: DEPRECATED - PBCore pbcoreGenre 1.0 -->
    <skos:ConceptScheme rdf:about="http://pbcore.org/vocabularies/pbcoreGenre">
        <dc:title>DEPRECATED - PBCore pbcoreGenre 1.0</dc:title>

<!-- Concept: History  -->
    <skos:Concept rdf:about="http://pbcore.org/vocabularies/pbcoreGenre#history" xml:lang="en">
      <skos:inScheme rdf:resource="http://pbcore.org/vocabularies/pbcoreGenre"/>
      <reg:status rdf:resource="http://metadataregistry.org/uri/RegStatus/1001"/>
      <reg:identifier rdf:resource="http://metadataregistry.org/concepts/2449"/>
      <skos:prefLabel xml:lang="en">History</skos:prefLabel>

<!-- Status properties used in this document  -->
    <skos:Concept rdf:about="http://metadataregistry.org/uri/RegStatus/1001">
        <skos:prefLabel xml:lang="en">Published</skos:prefLabel>
