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Pull from EBUcore to improve pbcoreRightsSummary #85

Open caseyedavis12 opened 10 years ago

caseyedavis12 commented 10 years ago

EBUCore has a very comprehensive rights section of its schema, and I think PBCore would benefit by pulling some of the elements into the PBCore schema. rightsSummary allows for narrative text explaining the rights to an intellectual asset, but I think it should be more structured. I also know that we have a rightsembedded element that allows one to pull rights information from another schema, but why not incorporate highly relevant elements into the PBCore schema, such as:

rightsHolder -- currently this is found as a controlled value of PBCore's publisher element, but I think it should be moved to the pbcoreRightsSummary.

exploitationIssues -- "Use to state any other restrictions, such as non-rights ones, e.g. legal. State by media, territory, scope...and possible language. The presence of this information can be used by asset management systems implementing traffic lights like mechanism to signal that content may be subject to particular restrictions to be clarified before exploitation."

copyrightStatement -- "Use to report any copyright statement."

coverage -- "Specifies a start date, end date or period for the availability of the item or the date from which the rights or exploitation issues apply..."

contactDetails -- "minimum information providing means to further identify and contact the rights manager for the resource..."

AllisonAnn commented 10 years ago

Hi Casey -

Good points. You might want to fold this comment into issue #62, to keep all the rightsSummary comments together - Allison