WGLab / InterVar

A bioinformatics software tool for clinical interpretation of genetic variants by the 2015 ACMG-AMP guideline
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PS1 and PM5 also can't be assigned #12

Closed tiehan closed 6 years ago

tiehan commented 7 years ago

I run some snps by InerVar, but PS1 and PM5 can't be assigned.

function check_PS1(): try: if aa_changes_dict[keys_tmp2]: PS1_t2=0 except KeyError: for nt in ACGTs: if nt != cls[Allels_flgs['Alt']]: keys_tmp3=cls[Allelsflgs['Chr']]+""+cls[Allelsflgs['Start']]+""+cls[Allelsflgs['End']]+""+nt try: if aa_changes_dict[keys_tmp3] == aa_last: PS1_t2=1 except KeyError: pass

I wonder if keys_tmp2 in aa_changes_dict, why not PS1_t2=1?

quanliustc commented 7 years ago

here, PS1_t2 must be 0 firstly, it means this variant has the same allele change and also the same amino acid change in the pathogenic databank, so it cannot assign PS1, if it is not the same allele change but the same amino acid change, PS1 will apply.

quanliustc commented 7 years ago

Also, maybe you can give me the list, I will track the details in the pathogenic allele change databset.

tiehan commented 7 years ago

I see . I wonder that some variants in your aa_changes_dict will not be assigned PS1 and maybe be assigned to VUS.

quanliustc commented 7 years ago

The dataset of amino acid change was based on pathogenic variants in clinvar, so it could miss some real pathogenic variants. And for the reported non-conflit pathogenic variants in disease variant dataset(such as clinvar), we will assign PP5. PS1 only can be assigned when there are other nt change(not in the dataset we built ) with the same amino acid change. Also the same evidence we cannot use > twice.

tiehan commented 7 years ago

Thanks. I understand