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Problem in finding GCMR packages #20

Closed shafijcsmr closed 3 months ago

shafijcsmr commented 2 years ago

Hi I have tried to run following codes , liqa -task diff -condition_1 list1 -condition_2 list2 -out das_detection_results but it shows that following error. "Error in library("gcmr") : there is no package called ‘gcmr’ Execution halted" I have tried to find the following gcmr packages but could not find that.

If you have the package kindly share

huyustats commented 2 years ago

Hi @shafijcsmr,

Thanks for your interests in using LIQA. It seems that gcmr was just removed from CRAN. Please have the archive for old version here: https://cran.r-project.org/src/contrib/Archive/gcmr/

rvermamsm commented 1 year ago

hi @shafijcsmr, I already installed gcmr package. Still, I got the same error.

sudo liqa -task diff -condition_1 estimation/control_isoform_exp ression_estimates -condition_2 estimation/treatment_isoform_expression_estimates -out ./control_treatment_result [sudo] password for rverma: Error in library("gcmr") : there is no package called ‘gcmr’ Execution halted

Could you please tell me what is wrong. should I run this command in R? If not, why it shows this error.

Thanks in advance.

agouru55 commented 3 months ago

Yes, try running install.packages and library() directly within the R terminal, and see if you run into any issues again.