WGLab / Project_Belka

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evaluate how to make a submission and get a score #6

Closed kaichop closed 3 weeks ago

kaichop commented 3 weeks ago

Likely use a fake account to make submission so we know how the process works.

wangwpi commented 3 weeks ago

The website says each member could submit 5 entries per day, so I will try to submit the result using the Leash Tutorial random forest model.

**Submission Limits**
You may submit a maximum of 5 entries per day. 
You may select up to 2 final submissions for judging.
wangwpi commented 3 weeks ago

To submit the prediction, simply predict all test.csv and generate a csv file following the format of sample_submission.csv. After getting the submission.csv file, upload the file into submission page https://www.kaggle.com/competitions/leash-BELKA/submissions. After submission, a public score will be given, the random forest using ECFP encode (Leash Tutorial) got 0.263 score. image