UROBORUS: circular RNA identification from RNA-Seq data
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The first circRNA identified was ignored from "circRNA_list_temp.txt" to "circRNA_list.txt" #7

Open linatbeishan opened 8 years ago

linatbeishan commented 8 years ago

Hi, I found another bug(?) in your code: during the process to sort the circRNA to output by junction reads count, since there is no header in your circRNA_list_temp.txt file, so there is no need to add after you open the file, and that consequently makes the first circRNA in the file always lost. Or you can simply sort -rnk7 circRNA_list_temp.txt >circRNA_list.txt to achieve your goal.

xiaofengsong commented 8 years ago

Thanks linwei, I will update the souce code to correct the bug.