PhytO-ARM: Phytoplankton Observing for Automated Real-time Management
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Debubble cartridge interval for SeaTrac configuration #10

Closed mbrosnahan closed 1 year ago

mbrosnahan commented 1 year ago

IFCB can accumulate air in its filter cartridges over time when operated on its side. McLane has a built-in routine 'CartridgeDebubble' that pulls air from this space. Task is to update conductor for no winch config so that it calls CartridgeDebubble at a user specified interval (similar to beads interval). This should be more straightforward through because no data are saved -> so no need to address (update/revert) save directory as in the bead case (Task 3).

rgov commented 1 year ago

We'd like to minimize the divergence between the winch and non-winch conductor, so that they can be reunited some point in the future. I suggest implementing it in both places. If you don't want it (because the IFCB is vertical), we can just set the interval to 0 or whatever signifies disabled.

To implementor, this is basically what needs to be done: