PhytO-ARM: Phytoplankton Observing for Automated Real-time Management
GNU General Public License v3.0
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broken config of multiple rtsp streams in camera node #37

Open mbrosnahan opened 6 months ago

mbrosnahan commented 6 months ago

Right now, we configure in config as:

camera: fore_camera: video_stream_url: "rtsp://user:pw@cam1ip/" aft_camera: video_stream_url: "rtsp://user/pw@cam2ip/"

The trouble is that we’re only able to view fore_camera, not aft_camera (and we definitely need both). It'd also be helpful if topic name would be formed using secondary parameters under camera, e.g. so that fore_camera might be replaced with 'north_campera' and data published at /camera/north_camera/compressed/image

Current behavior is that the system is only publishing /camera/fore_camera/image/compressed regardless of whether fore_camera or aft_camera are commented out in above.

rgov commented 6 months ago


The aft_camera node is commented out.

mbrosnahan commented 6 months ago

I took a shot at this, first by updating main.launch on our instrument and doing a rebuild using docker build -t whoi/phyto-arm . from PhytO-ARM root dir. No change in behavior.

Next, I tried committing changes to NF's multi-winch branch (what is checked out on system currently deployed). Ran build as above and again no change in behavior.

I also mucked around trying to change fore/aft to ifcb/chanos in camera names. This didn't have any effect. Only topic /camera/fore_camera/image/compressed is published. I must not be changing correct files. What else am I doing wrong?